Help! every night I wake up at 2,4 and 6:00 A.M. and have to go to the bathroom

number (2) needless to say I am extremely tired due to my broken sleep pattern.It has been going on since surgery 1 year ago. I have tried eating at different times, what else can I try, so I could get a good night sleep???????????    — Christi S. (posted on October 5, 2003)

October 5, 2003
don't know what to tell you about the bathroom part, but i use to have to get up almost every hour to tinkle and found out it really was my sleep apnea waking me up...Have you seen about whether you have sleep apnea?....Also do you drink a lot of milk products?, hope you find an answer soon, lori
   — love2babrat

October 5, 2003
I am 2 1/2 years post -op and I still have to get up twice, sometimes 3 times, a night to urinate. It's becuase of all the water I drink in my case.
   — LLinderman

October 5, 2003
Might be what the other poster wrote; just the amount of water you drink. BUT it could be you have just developed an 'over active' bladder. I use to go 'alot'; I now take meds for over active bladder and that has done the trick.
   — star .

October 5, 2003
Any chance you are drinking a lot of caffeine (coffee, tea, even chocolate items)OR soda pop (whether regular or decaf). Caffeine and also pop can irritate the bladder.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 5, 2003
I'm only 7 weeks out and I don't have any problems with getting up at night. But, arn't you asking about having BM's at night??? Isn't that what going #2 is??? LOL I could be wrong here..LOL I go about every 4 or 5 days..I'd LOVE to go #2 more often...:) Good Luck to you!
   — Sothrnbel3

October 5, 2003
I'd highly suggest discussing this with your primary doctor. It could be something as simple as a potassium deficiency or the pressure of your panni on your bladder when you roll onto your back...or well a lot of things. Good luck!`
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 5, 2003
Sorry Christi, I missed the "number 2" portion of your question. How late at night do you eat your last meal? It's my understanding that it takes about 2 hours for our new plumbing to process the food (at least with a RNY). When I was a new post-op I went at night until my body got into it's new routine. At a year out it settled into a normal routine of every other day. EXCEPT for when I go back on protein shakes-then I seem to poop more often, sometimes 2-3 times a day. Are you drinking protein supplements right before bed?
   — LLinderman

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