Why do I feel this way????

I am just over 4 weeks out from my surgery and down 29 lbs. I eat 2 to 3oz of either refried beans, chili, egg, chicken, tuna, cheese sticks, shreaded cheese, protein drink, different soups and a few crackers here and there. Definately way more protein than anything else. I was having problems drinking my water, it just never sat right in my tummy, so I started using Crystal Lite a week ago. When I get up in the AM I have about 4oz of coffee, tryin to keep regular, then I start my day. From about noon out I feel like I'm starving!!! No matter what I eat, I'm hungry all the time!! From the first bite to the last, my stomach "gurggles" and I feel even MORE hungry than I did before I started the meal!! I do feel what I would say is a "full sensation" after I eat my meal, but not "satisfied". And have on occasion eaten too fast or that one bite too many. Live and Learn. I was hoping I would be one that does not feel hungry...Will this starving feeling go away???? Am I doing anything wrong? ANY SUGGESTIONS? THANKS!!! Kathie 250/233/145    — Sothrnbel3 (posted on September 15, 2003)

September 15, 2003
A few things occur to me as possibilities. One is that very soft foods just don't stay in the pouch very long, so it's hard to maintain the sensation of fullness very long. Another possibility is that you haven't yet learned what full, satisfied and hungry feel like with your new plumbing. That might sound silly, but it does take time to relearn this, and for your rearranged digestive system to learn to work together right. Another possibility is that you start your day with coffee rather than protein. A protein breakfast is more likely to help you feel full longer. I have also heard that caffeine can be an appetite stimulant. If so, that might be starting your day off on the wrong foot. Try starting your day with protein, and switching to decaf coffee (drink it later in the day) and see if that helps.
   — Vespa R.

September 15, 2003
I can only answer your question based on my own experience. I am 9 1/2 month post op. You may have head hunger. It is when you crave food and think you are really hungry. Try going for a walk and get away from the TV and see if the hunger improves. If it does it could be head hungry. Your mind is telling you that much food can not possibly fill you up. I also found that the artifical sweetener in Crystal Light made me crave sweets. Just two things to look out for.
   — june22

September 15, 2003
Hi,<P> I am pre-op (15 days!) so I can't speak for the pouch, but the coffee is probably getting you in trouble if its caffeinated. I know from my experience with iced tea, that caffeine can make you VERY hungry. Between carbs and caffeine, you can't win. Switch to decaf and I'll bet you see a world of difference. If you've been drinking regular for awhile, be prepared for a withdrawal headache. Hope this helps.
   — Tammyjo

September 15, 2003
I would ask how many times a day are you actually eating? To be honest on 2 - 3 oz a meal I'd be hungry too. (1 year post op -115 #)
   — **willow**

September 15, 2003
Yep.. I agree with the other poster. If your coffee is caffinated that's what's probably giving you the trouble. Caffeine (sorry cant spell this morning) in any form, will make you hungry, try switching to decaf!
   — Jen W.

September 15, 2003
THANKS to everyone for your help!! I'm going to get decaff Coffee TODAY!!! And to Willow, I eat 3 times a day, 2 to 3oz each and sometimes a small snack at some point. I do still feel hungry sometimes after I eat, but my nutritionist says 2 to 3oz of food, so I try to follow that and ignore the pains that I get. I'm wondering if the pains that I feel are just "tummy healing" pains, but I feel like I'm hungry....Thanks Again to everyone!!!!!
   — Sothrnbel3

September 16, 2003
Sigh, it's probably not the caffeine in your little bitty cup of coffee! You are not eating very much, and at four weeks, your pouch can't hold very much. (Caffeine is sometimes added to OTC diet pills because it is a mild appetite depressant. A little research on the internet revealed that that has been proven.) However, it does stimulate peristaltic movement - so your gut is getting a boost. You are not doing anything wrong! It takes awhile to get used to the pouch. You are still healing, and the opening may be fairly large, so food leaves the pouch quicker than it will later on. And, as another poster pointed out, the soft stuff and liquids don't stay in the pouch long. At this point, you are probably taking a fair amount of time to eat. Later you will be able to eat a little faster and fill the pouch so you get the full feeling sooner. You should be eating several times a day, not just 3 "meals". That was the hardest part for me at first - I couldn't eat all the foods I was supposed to every day! If coffee keeps you moving, I wouldn't give it up. Eat something at least every 2-3 hours during the day. you might try adding some fruits and vegetables in there, too. Soft cooked veges, and things like bananas and canned peaches (in juice). Soups don't stay with you very long. Don't be afriad to eat - you don't wnat to go into starvation mode. What kind of diet instruction did you get before surgery?
   — koogy

September 16, 2003
I would still recommend cutting out the caffeine; there are healthier ways to stay regular (like adding fiber) without getting caffeine, which can encourage dehydration. Watch out for artificial sweetners too- try "normal" Kool-Aid, but mix it with Splenda instead of Equal. Even at 17 months out I still have trouble with plain water and this method helps me a lot. Good Luck!
   — kultgirl

September 16, 2003
Hi, just a few words of advice I got from my surgeon. I am not allowed to have coffee at all, because the acid in it (and tea) can cause ulcers, and also, refried beans are an incomplete protien by themselves, so I wouldnt eat too much of those, but I would try eating some more solid foods... I started solid foods after the first week, and did great. it is hard to get rid of head hunger, but it goes away. :-) good luck! (2 months post-op, down 45 lbs)
   — Katrina K.

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