Dumb one! How do you de-fizz a coke?

I thought I had done this properly. Let it sit overnight and all but still fizzing. I took some drinks and it went through the pouch but had painful gas cramps about an hour later. Maybe I just can't drink them. Only 3 months out from RNY.    — Kelly P. (posted on September 15, 2003)

September 15, 2003
Wow, still fizzing after being out all night? Sounds like scary stuff! I've also heard you can de-fizz a carbonated beverage by putting it in the blender with some ice and giving it a whirl. I've never tried it, but it might work.<P>I don't think the carbonation would necessarily make your pouch hurt, as much as the acidic nature of a Coke. I'm 15 months out, and I've had three Diet Cokes in all that time (I used to drink 5-6 a day, as a pre-op). Some folks have no problems with them, but to me, it just doesn't feel healthy in the pouch, so I rarely drink it. And watch out if it's a full-sugar cola, as opposed to diet cola -- those calories will rapidly add up to as much as you're eating, per day, at this stage.
   — Suzy C.

September 15, 2003
pre-op I drank 5-6 cans of reg Coke a day. When I was about three months out I wanted Coke again, and I knew to stay away from the full sugar kind but I hated the taste of diet. Someone here, I think Daniel Lafler, (sp) said to pour diet soda over ice then add a packet of splenda and it will de fizz and not have that diet taste. It worked great on both. Im 11 months out today and no longer need to add the Splenda though I do pour my diet soda over ice and give it a little stir.
   — cherokey55

September 15, 2003
On a rare occasion when I do drink a soda, I shake it up several times let it sit for a while before I open it. I can't take the gas that it gives me when I drink it. I do think that three months is too soon to drink soda.
   — Sharon T.

September 15, 2003
Heating it up (boiling or near boiling) will allow the carbonation to escape then you can cool it again.
   — ssundlee

September 15, 2003
I put a straw in the glass and blow bubbles till it stops fizzing. Just make sure the kids aren't around or they'll drive you crazy everytime they have soda. :)
   — adeas

September 15, 2003
In France, some cafe's serve coke with a spoon in it. It takes out all the carbonation...or so I hear. Try putting a spoon in your glass of coke for a few minutes, see if that helps.
   — thekatinthehat

September 15, 2003
A friend told me to pour it in a glass and then into another glass. Going back and forth between the two glasses until it doesn't fizz anymore. I only do that occasionally and only with decaf/diet soda. I've grown up on diet soda so it doesn't bother me.
   — Sophia M.

September 15, 2003
After reading all the posts on this question I was suprised that this one didn't come up. But in the pre-op nutrition class I took before surgery, the nutritionist said that although ideally they don't want you to drink soda at all, if we just HAD TO have it..... we could run it through the blender briefly to take out the carbonation. I never did try it, but sounds logical to me. I say it would be worth trying if you just HAD TO have it. Good luck! :)
   — Laurel C.

September 15, 2003
maybe the cramps were from caffeine. My nutritionist said caffeine stimulates soft muscle which is your entire intestinal track. It gets it convulsing. Perhaps that is what you felt. I've drank flat diet caffeine-free diet pepsi and it wasn't the same as the olden days but it did not give me those feelings you describe. I flattened mine by opening the 2-liter and leaving it out on the counter overnight. was completely flat by the next day.
   — Donya P.

September 16, 2003
I have a diet soda about 2 times a month, it's a nice treat, and even though I am over a year out, I still add 1 packet of splend and ice and then I stir it and let sit for 5 minutes before I drink it. (the splenda seems to help de-fizz it a bit). You might also want to try de-caf soda, because for each cup of caffeinated soda you have you need to add one more cup of water to counter act the dehydration effect. My favorites are diet rootbeer and diet 7-up. (not really the choices I would have made prior to surgery)
   — Dana B.

September 16, 2003
Put it in the freezer. It doesn't even have to totally freeze.
   — jen41766

September 16, 2003
Terri and Dana you've made my day! I've been telling people how I flatten my pop for two years. I did'nt think anyone was listening. lol Not only does the Splenda (or other artifical sweetners) take the fiz out and make it sweeter, but it makes a great diet ice cream soda! For example get a diet A&W Rootbeer, some Healthy Choice NO SUGAR ADDED vanillia ice cream then add alittle Splenda to it. Man, you would hardly know it's diet and almost no sugar. (Slight sugar in the ice cream but not much).
   — Danmark

September 17, 2003
they told us in our nutrinist class to fill the glass with ice all the way to the top pour in the pop and let sit for 15 to 20 min dosent taste so great but if you really have to have it there you go.

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