any one out there have a hypo thyroid??

i was wondering if any one who has wls has been able to completly come off the synthroid. my doc told me i was taking too much after getting my labs back. and i am wondering if i will ever be normal and not have to take any synthroid....    — alexjakemom (posted on September 14, 2003)

September 14, 2003
My doctor said I'd never be completely off my synthroid. It'd sure be nice if he was wrong. But at least the pills are really small. Good luck to you. S
   — sherry hedgecock

September 14, 2003
My thyroid went from 283.74 (very underactive)before surgery to .10 (overactive) now after surgery. I was taking 450mg of Synthroid. My PCP is lowering my Synthroid (now on 300mg) and he said that some day I might not have to take it at all anymore. I'm hoping that he is right.
   — Janelle G.

September 14, 2003
I went from taking .3 every day (synthroid) to taking .5 (I'm 20 months post op). Since I got pregnant, they had to up me back to .15, but my doc says that will go back down once I deliver. I don't know that I will ever come off of it, but keeping at that low a dose is nice! :~)
   — Sharon m. B.

September 14, 2003
My Doctor took me completely off Synthroid at 13 weeks post op. I am now 16 weeks post and so far so good, but if the fatigue comes back, I'll know that he was wrong.
   — kemprose1966

September 14, 2003
I was told by my endocrinologist that weight does not effect hypothyroidism and WLS will not allow you to get off of those medications. There may be a shift it the effectiveness at different times due to stress, surgery, pregnancy,etc but once your thyroid function is compromised for whatever reason it doesnt come back. Lesley
   — Lesley T.

September 14, 2003
It was my understanding that it is a lifetime of taking medication. Like others my dose is dropping. Before surgery I was taking .250 and now we are at .125 and still waiting for it to stabalize at a number.
   — bbjnay

September 14, 2003
I was told I will be on my meds for life. I'm checked every 3 months and so far my levels are stable. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 115+ and counting
   — Siddy I.

September 15, 2003
Watch what meds you take along with your Thyroid meds. I had my levels checked last month and it looks as though I am not even taking my Thyroid meds, my level was so low. My PCP upped my Armour Thyroid and I have to go back this week to have my levels checked again. Since then I have found out that if you take Calcium Citrate and Thyroid meds, you must take them at least 4 hours apart or it will make your Thyroid med totally ineffective! I am 9 months out and down 94 pounds.
   — Sheryl W.

September 15, 2003
Hi, I was also told I will be takin this medication forever. But, as I loose my dosage will drop.
   — Des812

September 15, 2003
Sheryl: I was also told you aren't supposed to eat for 2 hours after taking Synthroid. Also thyroid medicine depletes calcium, so it's even more important for us to make sure we get are calcium. After I got switched from the generic to the Synthroid the hard callous on the back of my heels finally went away. I had no idea that was related to my thyroid level until someone told me. Weird. S
   — sherry hedgecock

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