Could I be plateauing at 8wks post op?

Plz help me cause I am quite depressed today. I have not lost hardly any weight since my last doctor's visit about two weeks ago. My weight lost is around 50lbs. I know some of you say that is fine but I dont feel that way. My body was shrinking but I dont feel like it is now. I have not changed clothes size just fit mine better. I started exercising an hour a day last week but still nothing has changed. i know I dont get enough water or enough protein in (no where close) but I just cant do it. I have tried everything. But why so soon after my surgery should I be plateauing or holding still on weight loss? I expected this down the line but not so soon. I have no appetite still and though my taste buds seem to be returning most foods (artificially sweetened ones especially) make me gag. I know it takes time but today and all weekend , I just wated to cry till I could not stop. I am terribly depressed, so no lectures please but definitely could use some encouragement. Thanks..    — neneburge (posted on September 8, 2003)

September 8, 2003
Many people plateau at about 3 weeks out. So if you've just hit your first plateau at 8 weeks, you're doing well. Congratulations on the 50 lb. weight loss. If you've just begun an exercise program, keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat, so you may be developing muscle. That could be part of it. Just keep on doing what you're doing. Make sure you get the minimum protein in per day recommended by your surgeon. Make sure you get enough water in so that when you start your losing again, it will help wash out your system. A good thing to remember when you hit a plateau is that you have to do something to make your body thing you're not starving. For me, I do that one of two ways--increase exercise, protein and water intake for a few days. Or drastically change food choices for a few days. One or the other generally works for me. Hang in there...get some interests to occupy your time when you're frustrated. Plateaus are a part of this. The trick is just keeping your body moving by varying what you do to lose.
   — Cathy S.

September 8, 2003
Anita- Like many of us, you are experiencing nauseousness as you begin trying new foods. Unfortunately, as lousy as it makes you feel, you just can't give up trying to get in your protein. The longest I've gone without the scale changing has been 4 days because I force the protein in. Whether it is soft boiled eggs, Isopure Zero Carb drinks, shakes or Atkins bars, I work to consume at least 60-80 grams of protein a day; most days, I am closer to 90 grams a day. To help with your upset stomach, try to drink more water (this helps a lot) throughout your day. Lastly, it may be too early for you to be exercising (as healthy as exercise may be in the long term, it is problematic in the short term for new post-ops); consider scaling back on the exercise, increasing your protein and water and seeing if that doesn't help you over this disquieting hurdle you are now facing. It really does get better.
   — SteveColarossi

September 8, 2003
I had a few plateaus since surgery, it did bum me out, but I then realized that our bodies need time to catch up, so it is normal, I even gained a couple of pounds along the way. I had one very soon after surgery. I am 5 months out and down 105 pounds, so hang in there, I just came off a plateau, my scales didn't move for a month. But it started back up again. You'll be fine.
   — tpalmer

September 9, 2003
Unfortunately what you are experiencing is quite common. Did you spend a lot of time at your current weight in the past? I have heard that if there is a weight that you weighed for a while you can expect for your body to sit there for a little while. That weight is "familiar" to it. Please try to hang in there. Good luck to you! Chris Rinn
   — rinnchris

September 9, 2003
Hi Anita. No lectures here. I too had a long plateau - Weeks 5-8 - and know how you feel. You are doing great with 50 pounds down! I am at 11 weeks and have lost 60, so you are already on a pace ahead of me. Good luck and I know that it will break down the line. Your body is still adjusting.
   — Holly M.

September 9, 2003
We all went through what you are going through. You start to question what you are doing. DO I eat too much? Do I not get enough water? I stopped losing after I lost 50 lbs for about 2-3 months. I was so upset. But I started losing again and am down 100 to date. So don't worry you are doing great. 50 lb weight lose is great. You are doing a great job. The crying thing. Beleive me I know how that goes. I would cry when I saw a pizza commercial. We all do it. Keep your chin up and you will get there in no time. :)
   — spring A.

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