
Just a question, has anyone had varicose veins before RNY, and they get better post RNY? I have had mines all of my overweight life and I know that they are from the strain of being overweight, and would just like to know if anyone had them and if they got better?    — Tanya F. (posted on September 7, 2003)

September 7, 2003
I thought I only had a few preop, however as I lost weight I found many more were hidden under the layer of fat. , my legs now look like an old wrinkled roadmap. OH well, how much better I feel and my improved overall health is so much better. I think the only way they will go away is to have them stripped or injected.
   — **willow**

September 7, 2003
Tanya-I recently had my varicose veins stripped. I had it done before my RYN (about 3 months prior to RNY). That procedure wasn't too bad. I am only 8 weeks postop RNY now and am waiting to see how the rest of them look later on after I lose some weight. I did notice though that once my vein stripping was done some of the smaller veins in my calf disappeared just from relieving some of the pressure above (my surgeon said this might happen). Anyway, good luck!!
   — Jeannie4

September 7, 2003
I had them pre-op, and even though I'm now a normal weight at two years post-op, I still have them.
   — mom2jtx3

September 7, 2003
Hi I'm 38 and have had varicose veins for the past 30 years. Yes, I got them as a child. They got worse as I got older and heavier. No surgeon would do anything about them because of my weight. I'm now 9 months post-op RNY and 3 weeks ago I had the first leg stripped. These veins looked worse the more weight I lost. But they didn't ache like they did when I was heavier.
   — jocelyn

September 7, 2003
I hate to say this but mine seen to be worse. maybe because I'm on my feet much more now that the weight is gone - I'm not sure . If i dont wear my teds all the time i'm in severe pain by the end of my day. A vascular surgeon is on the list of things to do as well as the plastic surgeon..... soon soon
   — dorothy S.

September 7, 2003
I've always had bad veins in my right leg. They didn't get any better with the weight loss, but the doctors were finally willing to do something about them after I'd lost 160 pounds. Had them stripped a month ago, and I would say that I've had 75% improvement in appearance, which considering how long these things have been around, is just great!
   — AmyL

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