Help me lose my last 50!??

Hello everyone: As some have previously stated I too ahve appeard to hit a plateau. I am 17 months out (1 year and 5 months) it seems I am stuck at 250lbs. I am 5'11, although I have gone from 363 -- my total weight loss is 113lbs. I really would like to acheive my original goal of 200lbs. I am considering using a pill called Leptoprin( has anyone heard of it? I am also considering this program called Body Makeover( can someone please give me some advice on how to kick my weight loss back into gear so I can get these last 50lbs off?? I have gone from a size 30 to a size 16 top and 18/20 bottom. I really do not see the success, I want to be in a 14/16 bottom and 12 top. Help me please!!??    — F. Rhodes (posted on September 1, 2003)

September 1, 2003
WOW! You don't see your success? I do! Congratulations! Not to sound negative but my friend bought Leptoprin and was not hungry at all for the first 2 weeks then her hunger returned and she didn't lose a single pound. I don't know how Leptoprin would work with bypass patients or if it is safe for us... I would run that by your doctor, for sure. What kind of diet were you following when lost 113 lbs? Good luck to you! You have made it this far, I bet you can reach your goal!
   — Kim W.

September 1, 2003
My biggest concern would be with any diet pill or program after WLS. Please check it out with your surgeon or at least a nutritionist. I have read that some people who are further out go back to square one and work they way back up slowly. While it would be very hard to do at your stage it might be the safest. Talk to your surgeon!
   — zoedogcbr

September 1, 2003
Fawn, I read your profile, and except for an entry that talks about how it's not safe to go to your gym after dark, there's nary a word about exercise. (Don't you loathe exercise nags?!? I know I do, but here I am doin' it anyway.) Maybe you do exercise, but it just didn't make it into the profile. It's just that, for most people, getting to goal without it is very hard.<P>I think you look fabulous in your "after" picture, but if you want to take more weight off, exercise is probably the best way to do it, not diet pills. Nothing's more depressing and distressing than to see somebody fall into the trap of diet pills, especially when they've done as well as you have without them. And as far as the bodymakeover site goes, I see that their sales pitch is, "eat more, and exercise less, and get the body you want." Oh, no, I don't *think* so. Forgive me, but it looks like a good way to throw money right out the window, to me.<P>Please take good care of yourself, and don't let anyone sell you a bill of goods. You deserve better after all the progress you've made so far!
   — Suzy C.

September 1, 2003
It's a fact of life that lots of us have to "diet" those last pounds away. Why not try the South Beach diet? It's healthy for post-ops, limits refined carbs, and pushes "healthy" food. Skip the diet pills. They don't work long term. Maybe join a gym or curves to kick start the weight losss along w/ an eating program.
   — mom2jtx3

September 1, 2003
Fawn, I am 21 months post op and I became a slow loser about 13 months out, swore I was doing everything right. I then started Atkins on 7/28 limited myself to 20 carbs a day, no flour and of course sugar (haven't had sugar since day 1)and don't worry about calories. I have lost 28 pounds in 5 weeks. Showed me that I must have been consuming a ton of carbs. Try Atkins and see if lowering carbs helps. I have lost 225 pounds. Good luck
   — bbjnay

September 2, 2003
Why not keep a food journal for a week and record every bite of foot you take in and then use a tool like to analyze what you're eating. It might help you examine what you're doing that has stopped your weight loss. I've always heard that if you boost, exercise, protein and water on a plateau, it will sometimes jumpstart you again and that has worked for me sometimes, but the surest way for me to get my weight loss started again is to alter what I'm eating drastically for a couple of days. I always try to make sure fats are no more than 20 grams per day and carbs are no more than 30 grams per day. It's worked for me so far. Before you go spending lots of money on a diet plan, try that.
   — Cathy S.

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