Should I be doing more - post TT?

I had my abdominoplasty a week ago and apparently my recovery expectations were WAY too high! I thought I'd be taking advantage of labor day sales this weekend and returning to work on Tues. Ha-ha!! How long before you could stand up straight and walk for awhile? Should I be pushing myself to do more other than taking it easy till it doesn't hurt? My surgeon's post-op instructions were "use common sense". Any tips you can give me to speed things along would be greatly appreciated!    — jen41766 (posted on August 31, 2003)

August 31, 2003
I am hoping to have a TT, or at least a panni soon, so I'm not speakig from personal exerience. When I had another plastic surgery preop the initial woman I spoke to had had a TT recently, and she was still hunched over and in pain. I didn't ask her exactly how long ago she had it, but I assumed it was a couple of weeks since she was already back to work. I think you're doing right to take it easy while you're still having pain. Sorry you're not doing as well as you expected, but I heard the TT is a very painful surgery and I'm not surprised you're still in pain. It'll probably be better soon, and then it'll be a distant memory and you'll have the flat stomach to enjoy. Best of luck. Sherry
   — sherry hedgecock

August 31, 2003
It was about a month before I was able to walk normally but, was still fatigued for another month. I had a breast reduction at the same time though and had considerable difficulty sleeping.
   — LLinderman

August 31, 2003
I was hunched over for 2 weeks and then had to remind myself (or my family did!) to stand up straight as it sort of became habit, plus the tightness. Mine was very extensive but I didn't even feel like DRIVING until week 5 and I was instructed to not do any type of exercise (incl. sex) for 8-9 weeks. So take it easy, as soon as your body is ready to do more you'll feel a ton better and be antsy to go out and do that shopping. I remember that week 5 well. I had been home almost all the time except for trips to the doctor for recheck (I'm diabetic) and then all the sudden I was ready to go. I got in the car, took my little girl and drove 1 1/2 up the river, took my pants off and went wading. I finally came back to life!
   — Shelly S.

September 2, 2003
I had my estended TT, brachiplasty and a breastlift on March 31st. On my TT, I didn't have alot of muscle tightening since I had never had kids and my muscles were in great shape. My Dr said that I was 'built' and on a scale of 1-10, I was a 3 for the degree of muscle tightening. I was standing fairly straight by 2 weeks and didn't have a whole lot of pain throughout the whole thing. A GF of mine had hers a week later by the same Dr. and she said her's hurt more than her WLS surgery. She had alot of tightening done so that is the difference. She was off work longer than me (I was back to work and driving at 2 weeks). So again, everybody is different. Just take it SLOW and don't push yourself!!
   — Kris T.

September 5, 2003
I was able to stand up straight the next day after surgery. I didn't want to walk a marathon or anything but I was able to walk with no problems. I would say it took me a couple of weeks to feel normal. My doctor said no exercise for 6 weeks. I followed his advice and I had no problems.
   — Patty H.

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