Has anyone tried Relora?

I have patients asking me about this product and I don't know anything about it. Has anyone tried it? Had success? No succes? Good/Bad experiences? Thanks!!!    — ronascott (posted on August 25, 2003)

August 25, 2003
My neighbor actually takes Relora. She wanted to lose about 5 lbs and lost it with help from it-it made her less sleepy, cleared up her allergies, and I guess kickstarted her metabolism. At least that's what she says! However, remember-she only needed to lose 5 lbs. How well it'd work for those of us with more poundage, I dunno. Sorry I don't know more, maybe you can tell your patients that their allergies will clear up or something-and I don't even know if that's a normal (albeit good) side effect!
   — jenn_jenn

August 25, 2003
It's also supposed to help curb the carb cravings. It helped some the first month I used it but now has no effect. I guess I developed a tolerance. Am now trying Ultracarb but am not sure it works for us post-ops, anyone know?
   — LLinderman

August 28, 2003
I use it. After my battle with fruit, the wt gain and then the 4 month battle with the carb monster, that was one of the tools I used to get the wt off & get the carb monster off my back.
   — vitalady

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