if you have major cavity

should you have cavity removed before surgery ...dont have dental plan cost will be out of pocket    — mary P. (posted on August 21, 2003)

August 21, 2003
Yes you should. Even a minor infection like a cavity can interfere with healing and God forbit it should turn into something worse just before or just after surgery. Paying to get a cavity is WAY less than waitng and paying for a root canal and a crown! Good luck!
   — Carol S.

August 21, 2003
Mary, Just the week before my by-pass I had to have a root canal and it cost $700.00 for the root canal and another $600.00 for the crown to complete it. I'd get the cavity repaired. I was lucky that my dental insurance paid all but $150.00 of the total cost.
   — Noreen M.

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