I have diverticulitis and am wondering if anyone else has this problem , who has had

the WLS? I am considering the surgery in the hopes that this will also help this problem. Thanks    — April T. (posted on August 8, 2003)

August 8, 2003
Hi.. I also have a severe case of diverticulosis which bothered me almost all the time. I had a lap RNY 6/11/03, and have not had any trouble whatsoever with my diverticulosis. In fact, before surgery I was always aware of it. Now, I almost never hurt. My bowel problems are straightening up also! I told my surgeon I have this and got him my last Barium Enema report...he seemed very unconcerned. I also talked to my PCP (who treats my diverticulosis when it flairs), and he felt it would not make any difference at all. I suggest you discuss this with your doctors and get their input. Best wishes to you.
   — Linda S.

August 9, 2003
You mean you have diverticulosis, the "itis" part of the word means that you have an infection or are having any attack. The condition is called diverticulosis when you are not having an attack. I have diverticulosis and I also have microscopic colitis, which is an irritable bowel disease (IBD). I had my open RNY on May 7th of this year and am doing fine. I had to get approval from my gastro doc first and get one of my drugs changed for the IBD before my surgeon would do the surgery. I have a gluten intolerence and when I eat foods with gluten I have a tendancy to have the runs. I have had no problems in that dept since surgery. You really need to look into your present food choices if you are have attacks of diverticulitis. Evaluate if you are having too much nuts and seeds or foods containing these like tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pickles, popcorn. These foods can cause an infection if they get into one of the pockets that are in your colon. The thing I have found to help the condition is to get a lot of fiber into my diet, to help move the waste thru the intestional tract better. Good luck.
   — ChristineB

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