What is the lump feeling in my throat when I eat?

I'm 3 weeks post op. Most of the time when I eat something I get a lump feeling in my throat like something is "stuck". It happens sometimes when I drink also. I don't gulp, I don't drink while I eat and I don't feel like I'm eating to fast. I hurt so bad the other day, I had to lay down for an hour before it passed. My doctor's "fill in" said it is from the NG tube they had down my throat and it is still swollen, but that was weeks ago. Does everyone experience this? When will it pass so I won't have that feeling when I eat or drink? Thanks : )    — Jackie T. (posted on July 13, 2003)

July 13, 2003
Hi JAckie, Your doctor could be right, but if this continues it could be a stricture, and then they need to do an endescope to see if it is and fix it which the procedure only takes a few minutes to do and is very painless. Or it could be acid build up in your throat which is what I had and it felt like when I ate something was stuck there all of the time and made me vomit alot too! So doc put me on nexium and now it is so much better! So, call your doc if the problem continues-k. Good Luck to you!
   — Melodee S.

July 13, 2003
You might be experiencing the food backing up into your throat-- this is a pretty common situation, particularly how difficult it is to re-learn all of our eating habits. You said that this feeling occurs "most" but not all of the time; if it doesn't happen when you first drink something in the morning, then you might need to talk to your doctor about why food is leaving your pouch so slowly. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

July 13, 2003
I also had that feeling, and was told it was from the NG tube. To me, it felt like a great big painful scab in the back of my throat, and it hurt when I drank or ate. It lasted about 4-5 weeks post-op, (longer than I would have thought it would have taken to heal), but it did go away and they were right about it being from the NG tube.
   — raye

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