Seeking Those Pregnant After WLS

I am currently 8 months post op and down 105lbs. My husband and I have thought about having a baby since before surgery. But I didnt feel comfortable enough to carry a baby at 330lbs. Now we are trying. I get my bloodwork checked every month and my primary is very much on top of things. My OB thinks its ok, but I dont know how much he knows about WLS. Please give me some sort of idea on how to research what will need to take place after I do become pregnant. Thanks. ~KIM    — Kim B. (posted on June 27, 2003)

June 27, 2003
I would do more research - I've heard you were supposed to wait 18 months for your body to sort of "normalize".
   — bethybb

June 27, 2003
I'm a nurse also seeking this surgery. My interests lies in OB, Due to wieght loss thru malnutrition it has been suggested that women wait at least 24 months after wls to concieve. It's being cautious that counts. Good luck!
   — Mary M.

June 27, 2003
At the least you should wait a year really longer. Once you have finished losing all of your weight. There are people who have become pregnant sooner and it was accidental. If you guys are planning this maybe you should wait you don't want to complicate things. There is a group on yahoo with peple specifically talking about this topic go to yahoo and choose groups and it is ossg pregnancy (something like that) you will find it.
   — jnmcneil

June 28, 2003
I too had this surgery so that I may one day get pregnant and have been told the same thing through my surgeon. You need to wait at least a year before trying, that way your body is used to your lowest weight. I am in the waiting game now myself. GOOD LUCK!!!
   — Philippa F.

June 28, 2003
Kim, congratualtions on your weight loss. I lost about 90 and was 8 months post op when I got pregnant. My OB was fine with me being pregnant also. I had WLS July 2001, Baby boy December 27th 2003. He was 7lb 11oz. I lost 8lb, gained it back and 10 more. I lost 25 after birth. All my labs came back GREAT! The sugar test I refused to that orange stuff you have to drink, I just fasted , ate, then gave blood again after 2 hours for my testing, OB said fine. Best pregnancy I ever had out of my 3 kids. I don't have MD after my name, just giving my personal experience. Good luck, Angela
   — Angela S.

July 3, 2003
I delivered my sweet baby boy Christian on 4/16/03 (all thanks to WLS!!) but I waited two years before getting to th epoint I felt my body was ready. Just some advice: do not expect your Ob/Gyn to understand WLS- as once I found one to accept me, they still didn't truly understand my WLS *particulars* - I could tell she didn't like having to think about alternatives for me. For instance the glucose tolerance test, they were at a loss on what to do... I found the Alvarado print out and showed it to them why I failed; but it didn't satisfy their desire for just a "standard pregnant woman" to deal with. When I finally suggested to them that I just *pretend* I have GD and test my blood sugar daily, just as a precaution, they said OK. You are going to need to be on top of your health. Do not rely on a Doctor who doesn't know about WLS to know how to treat you. You just may have to do some research yourself and the best place to start is the Yahoo Groups called OSSG & Pregnancy. It's nice to chat with all the women who are dealing with the same issues as you. Good Luck!
   — Karen R.

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