How do you deal with recovery?

I want to have the laparascopic gastric bypass and I have a set of 7 year old twins and a 1 year old, to my understanding I can't pick up anything for a while? Will the strain from picking up the baby affect my procedure?    — Tanya F. (posted on June 24, 2003)

June 24, 2003
Tanya, I am still pre-op my surgery is June 30th and I have a 2 year old. My doctor said I could'nt lift anything over 15lbs for 4-6 weeks. His concern is that I may get a hernia from lifting something heavy and he will have to go back in and remove it or I could do damage early on to my internal stitches. That's what my surgeon said about lifting. Good luck and take care! Audrey
   — Audrey W.

June 25, 2003
I had lap rny and my doc told me I could lift my 2yo twins w/in a week.
   — mom2jtx3

June 25, 2003
when I had my second c-section, the product of my first was only 14 months old - and I couldn't lift him for 6 weeks. He was perfectly good at climbing up on the couch to sit with me and have his toiletries cared for. In fact at a year their great little helpers - pick things up off the floor for you and get simple things for you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 25, 2003
I am having lap RNY on July 21st, and I have a 2 year old. (about 30 lbs). My surgeon told me I had NO restrictions on lifting him, that if it didn't cause me pain, it was fine, because I could not hurt the surgery by lifting him, and the chances of developing an incisional hernia with lap are greatly reduced, in fact rare (although not impossible). Best advice would be to check with your doctor, and in the meantime, practice with your daughter getting in/out of carseat, highchair, etc. (I'm not sure how agile she is, but at 18 months, my son could do these things with my close supervision, although it takes three times as long! LOL) As for getting them into the crib, possibly use a step stool for her, with assist from you? Good luck!
   — Kelly B.

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