My surgery is this wed. 6-11-03 I am scared to death!!Can anyone help?

I am scared of the anesthesia,and esp. the blod clots. This whole time I thouhgt that I had made the right decision, but now I am so scared that im not sure anymore. I am so afraid that I will die and that my 3 year old daughter will be left alone. Please help!!!!    — Suzzie M. (posted on June 8, 2003)

June 8, 2003
I feel the exact same way as you do. My surgery is June 30th and I am already getting scared. I have a 2yr old daughter so I know how you feel. I think this is totally normal. Everyone is scared of the unknown. You can drive yourself insane with what if's. What I am doing now is reading a good book. When I'm not doing laundry,dishes or watching my daughter I just pick up my book and start to read. It keeps my mind off the surgery. Since you only have 2 days left I would go thru old clothes and organize the sizes from largest to smallest. Than get everything ready for when you come home(And you will come home:) Get bottled water in the fridge, protein powder ready, broths, get all your laundry done and everything ready. This stuff alone could easily take up 2 days!! It will keep you from thinking about the what if's constantly. Congrats and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Audrey
   — Audrey W.

June 8, 2003
There are 24,000 + of us on this list. We all survived and are losing, losing, losing. I am not even half way to my goal and feel so much better. Off all my meds. It doesn't get much better. This is the easiest I have ever lost weight, and the best part, it isn't coming back this time.
   — Gail O.

June 8, 2003
I too was so afraid of bloodclots. When I disscussed this with my doctor he told me that the most important thing was to make sure that I walked a lot. This reduces the chances of bloodclots tremendously. You will be fine during the surgery. The attitude I had was that I am not going to die until my time comes. I really was at peace with myself as I went to sleep. I was very active once I woke up. Walked like twenty minutes after I got into my room and continued to walk all night long. I am seven weeks out and I am still walking. I get up and just walk through the house a few times just to keep myself moving. Good luck and lots of prayers for you....
   — D. Bell

June 8, 2003
You sound just like me right before my surgery on February 12, 2003!! I paniced at the last minute and had to finally make peace with myself as to why I was doing this and about how long I had been waiting. I am just under my 4 month out mark and I have lost at least 77 lbs! I cannot begin to tell you how much healthier I feel and look not to mention how much I am enjoying life now. I no longer get embarrased walking into a restaurant, I no longer feel like everyone is staring and judging me. Just remember that it is a tool, you have to make good decisions and take care of yourself and I am betting that you will do just great!! Please walk a lot and sip, sip sip the liquids. One tip I have is that I didn't care much for broth so I made chicken noodle soup and threw out the noodles. I live on SF popsicles and with every week that passes it truly gets better and better : )
   — Peggy B.

June 8, 2003
hey girl, i know what you mean, we have the same date. though im more excited than scared right now. i wont get scared untill their wheeling my into the operating room, then i'll start laughing my butt off cause i so nervous! i had kidney sugery last year for a stone and everything was ok untill they called my name,from then on i could not stop laughing even when my surgeon was praying with me!lol next thing you know the whole crew was giggling! oh boy that was comical! we will do great! and our kids will have skinney , energetic new mommies!!! luv tiff!

June 8, 2003
Hi Suzzie- I don't even have a surgery date yet and sometimes I get scared of the actual WLS! What works for me is turning the negative into positive- Instead of worrying that you'll die and leave your daughter, imagine milestones in her (and your) life that you will be here for because you had the courage to go thru with the WLS- First day of kindergarten, HS graduation, etc. Now imagine how great you'll look in that size 7 dress! Best of luck with the surgery, and think positive :o) Mea
   — Mea A.

June 8, 2003
Oh Suzzie~ I think everyone who is "choosing" to have surgery has fear thoughts. I have a 10-month-old baby girl who is my world. I too cried, prayed and second-guessed myself for about 10 days before surgery, right up to when they knocked me out. You are going to be in good hands and they have sooooo much medical technology that even if a complication were to arise they have the means to fix it. Calm down, breath and have faith in your Dr.'s, you'll do just fine.
   — Maggie M.

June 8, 2003
Suzzie hon i can truly understand your fear but think postive honey every thing will work out for you...I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers hugs Deanna
   — Deanna Wise

June 8, 2003
Oh Suz....I feel your pain. I really do. However, since having this RNY operation, I've had a tummy tuck and an emergency internal hernia operation. Really, this is nothing. You are young and you will survive. If you look at the stats you will see that it would be a total fluke if anything happened to you. I myself believe that if it is my day to die, I'm gonna die on the way to the hospital if it's my day. The bible says your days are numbered before you are even born, so if it's your time, it's your time. Try not to freak. You're gonna be here a lot longer since you had this operation than if you didn't. Ever see a fat old person? No? Because they're dead. You're gonna enjoy your life 6 months from now and your child is going to reap the benefits of you being able to play with him/her instead of sit on the sidelines because you're too tired. Here's an insider hint: it feels sooooo different just to WALK. You'll be amazed. First, you'll see your ankles get smaller, after that, you'll be able to breathe better. You won't believe how fast it is. Your friends, family and children won't even believe you were ever fat in 2 years time. Keep a pic of yourself fat so you can be thankful every day for what God did for you. I do. I keep it on the refrigerator. Good luck to you!
   — sandieguy

June 8, 2003
Boy am I glad I didnt back out of surgery! I will be 2 years post op this july. Bestr thing I ever did. Remaining MO was more dangerous than surgery. Its so sad I knw folks who were too afraid of WLS and died MO not even having tried to fix it.
   — bob-haller

June 8, 2003
Boy, I was glad to hear someone else feels this way! My surgery is 06/18/03 & I just got my date on 06/06/03. After waiting so long, I was terrified that it was going to be so soon! But I'm one who believes that our path is decided from birth so I have to leave it in Gods hands. If its my time, its my time. But, I HAVE to believe I'll come thru this just fine and be here to see my daughter get married & my grandchildren grow up! And with all the support here at this site, think of all the prayers & thoughts that will be with us...WOW! Good luck to you. I just know it will be fine!
   — Jo H.

June 8, 2003
Hello Suzie, I felt the same way, but not until I was in pre op waiting my turn. I have a 14yr.old girl, and a nearly 3 yr. old boy. I surgery before me took a little longer than expected and I freaked out thinking something had gone wrong . That is when I got really scared, I even told the nurse I wanted to go home. My Dr. is Dr. Babineau, he came and talked to me and assured me that everything was just fine and that he was ready for me, he was very sweet and caring, at this point I felt much better, but my hubby was a wreak. My surger was fast, I was up walking and going soon after. I am 3 week's post-op and I have lost 24 lb's, I am already starting to feel like a new person. I feel that by having this surgery done, that I have improved my health so now I will beable to enjoy my childeren even more than I do now and that I have saved my life , I have had high blood pressure for the past sereval year's and I have not had any med. for this since surgery. I can not tell you how much better I feel in this short time. It is a very scary and hard decisson to make, just follow your heart and do what is best for you. Best of luck!!!!!!!
   — Leanne J.

June 8, 2003
I had my surgery on Tues. 6-3-03. I was feeling a little the same that morning, even cried once. Once I got into OR and the anethesiast and nurses all gathered around and talked to me and explained to me everything I felt some better. Believe me though, I was praying as I was going to sleep. I came home Sat. 6-7-03. I feel wonderful!!!!! I think it is the best thing I have done for myself ever!!! In a few months when I look in the mirror I will be so proud. I have had no pain and am doing around the house and feel good. I get tired and rest and then get up and go again. They really watch you for those blood clots and work with you and your legs. I will be praying for you on your day and hang in there. God will be with you!!! Love ya!
   — Becky G.

June 8, 2003
I felt the same way as you before surgery. Read my profile, hopefully, it will make you feel better.
   — Linda A.

June 9, 2003
I have a letter from a 12-year-old girl about her mom's surgery experience. It is very inspiring. If you'd like a copy, send me an email and I'll send it to you. I'd also like to add that it is very normal to have some nerves going into the surgery. It is major surgery, after all. But if you had to have a heart bypass operation to save your life, wouldn't you do it? You are doing this to save your life, to be able to watch your child grow up, to be able to participate in her life instead of just being a spectator. You will both benefit from this surgery immensely.
   — garw

June 9, 2003
It is normal to be scared but this is the best thing you will ever do for yourself and for your daughter. I am a single mother and my daughter had just turned 4 when I had my surgery, and I was also scared of leaving her alone if something happened to me. The surgery was much easier than I thought it would be, not nearly as much pain as I expected and I was able to caare for my daughter on my own in only a few days. Now 8 months post-op I have lost 85lbs and I have so much energy I run and play with my daughter everday. Best of luck with youe surgery, just think this time next week you'll be home and on your way to being a new you!
   — blank first name B.

June 9, 2003
I had my surgery on 5/12/03 and I was so terrified the night before surgery that I didn't sleep a wink. On the way to the hospital, I joked that they wouldn't even need to give me anesthesia because I was already so tired that I would probably fall asleep on my own. When I got to the hospital and they took me back to the pre-surgery prep area, I was so nervous that I was literally shaking. I was convinced something was going to go wrong, that I was never going to wake up, etc. But then the nice anesthesia people gave me a sedative to calm me down and pretty much the next thing I remember is waking up in the recovery room. In short, I think it would be strange if you weren't experiencing at least some sort of anxiety, so your feelings are normal. But everything will be fine.
   — Amanda S.

June 9, 2003
Hello Suzzie, I havn't even had my surgery and I am nervous. I could understand why you would be scared. Keep your head up and We will be praying for your recovery and a new beginning. Good Luck
   — Kimberly R.

June 9, 2003
I had my surgery 7/23/02. I was scared the day before and the day of my surgery. I came through the anesthesia with flying colors and so will you. I think it might help to keep your eye on the goal-you want to lose weight to be healthy and feel better. It is perfectly normal to be scared and anxious. My God you've made a life changing decision. It will be ok. Just take things one day at a time and one step at a time. We are all here for you and praying for you. Take care and God bless!!
   — amytravis

June 9, 2003
To Sandie, who posted have me laughing out loud over your 'Ever see a fat old person' comment!! Anyway, swollen or not..I'd be delirious just to SEE my ankles:)
   — kathy B.

June 12, 2003
My date is coming up too (6/24/03) and I'm feeling my first pangs of anxiety this morning. But one whole wall of my dining room is mirrored. I stood there this a.m. and looked at myself. Really looked. I also reminded myself that as a 42-year old my chances of losing the weight myself are almost nil, and my chances of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, etc. are much, much greater than my chances of dying from this surgery. (You'd think just looking at myself in that mirror every time I ate would have made me lose weight! Hah!) Just remember why you're doing this. I know I'm going to have panic attacks between now and then, but I'm finally resolved. I don't like being tired and achy and depressed all the time, and I'm finally doing something for ME. Hang in there!
   — Patti S.

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