i had rny surgery on 1/29/03 and lost 32 pounds the first 30 days but then stopped

i might lose 1 pound every 2 weeks or so i can eat a whole meal a hot roast beef sandwitch ,mashed potatoes with gravy and apple sauce with 2 coffees and not be sick i can guzzle water pop or what ever were does the food go if my pouch is only the size of a shot glass were is that food sitten and i eat it all in 15 20 minutes i don't get sick or any thing , what is a the symptoms of a leak as i been haveing pain in upper part of belly , doc said one can make my limb shorter but he won't but if i find a doc that will he will referr me there got a doc willing to help give him my # and letter please my #1-607-545-6714 (judy), email [email protected] buy the way i don't eat like this daily but i could if i wanted to but getting me full or satified is a tall order.    — judy T. (posted on May 25, 2003)

May 25, 2003
Typically with a leak, you would have severe abdominal pain and a high temp. Were you transected? I think before thinking of any surgery they need to investigate, possibly an upper endocopy to see what's going on with the pouch and all. I do know a girl who's Dr did the surgery wrong and didn't seperate the stomach from the pouch and she had to have it re-done. They should be checking you out first. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

May 25, 2003
It sounds like your mechanics need checking; before I got a limb shortened (?), I'd want to know whether there's a staple line disruption (if you're not transsected), and whether you have an enlarged stoma (which is what happens when your food slips through the pouch directly into the small intestine, which becomes enlarged enough to almost form a second stomach, thereby allowing more food consumption). I'd also take a long, hard look at your food choices, because no surgery will work without the famous formula of protein first, and reduced carbs and sugars. You need to really figure out all the factors that have gone haywire here in order to get things working right for you; personally, I wouldn't let any doc operate on me before figuring out exactly what the problem is so you can feel confident that, if a second surgery is needed, it's the right one for you. Good luck!
   — Suzy C.

May 25, 2003
My vote would be for a large stoma. You sound like me and you'll have to be vigilent in watching what you eat. A bummer I know because you aren't getting a tool that will prevent you from overeating. You will however still have the benefit of some of it beig bypassed and physically it'll take little to prevent real hunger. However, we all have a good capacity to ignore the full feeling and to keep overeating otherwise we wouldn't ever be obese. I'm sorry you are in this boat but there are quite a few of us. I have loss 79 pounds in 16 months which I'm really happy to have off and while I feel cheated not to have the tool others have I'm still glad I had the surgery. I just wish I had known about the fobi ring pre-surgery. No Dr. will usually fix a large stoma. I'm doing Atkins to lose the last 50 pounds. Good Luck.
   — Candace F.

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