Why does my GI Tube opening smell so bad????

The area where my tube connects to my body smells wretched! Why is this? I clean several times daily and coat opening with neosporin. I also do warm salt water compresses several times weekly (doc said would help with irritation). The smell is so bad it makes me gag...although the severity could just be me. How to I control it?    — donna O. (posted on May 10, 2003)

May 10, 2003
is it infected? is there redness, or is it warm to the touch? is there drainage from or around the site? fould odor often indicates infection. is the smell new? and is your doctor aware? good luck!
   — trisha M.

May 10, 2003
I had a gi tube for a month flush your tube with water daily it your stomach juices that you smell it really won't go away untill the tube comes out. best thing is to flush your tube with room temp water.
   — sheri B.

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