I am 4 weeks post-op and am vomiting foamy phlegm several times per day.

I have tried compazine,nexium,sugar free mints, tea, etc all to no avail. Help me. I can't take much more. Doc says it will resolve itself eventually but wht about now?    — Nancy P. (posted on May 9, 2003)

May 9, 2003
When I get that way, I have to stop swallowing all together, until whatever is stuck works its way through. I just keep spitting so that I don't have anything sitting on top of whatever is in there. It helps me a LOT. But, that may not be your problem. Did this happen after you ate, or is your stomach empty? Were you able to hold down things prior to this? I've read that around 4 weeks is the time that strictures are most common, although they can happen at any time. If you are unable to hold ANYTHING down, including water, then you should call your doctor. But, you might want to call the doctor anyway, if this doesn't go away soon. OH! Do you have a runny nose??? That makes the foamy stuff too! All that "ick" running down the back of your throat into your pouch.
   — Diana L.

May 9, 2003
You could possibly have a stricture. The foamy phlegm is what I had with eating or drinking anything. It got to the point to where I was throwing up liquids. You can read more about my stricture experience on my profile, I had 2, scoped and dilated both times. You are a prime candidate at 4 weeks post-op. If you don't feel better soon, insist on a scope.
   — Cheri M.

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