Lose hair other places?

I have heard many, many times that you lose the hair on your head after WLS. Do you lose it anywhere else (arms, legs)? A chemo patient asked me this question because she lost her hair everywhere with her chemo. I had never thought about this.    — Cameron Van Winkle (posted on March 31, 2003)

March 30, 2003
I didnt loose hair anywhere but my head. Would've been nice!
   — tn683

March 30, 2003
The head hair loss goes away after a while, but I have noticed major beard action since my surgery...guess all those hormones no longer have so many fat cells to hide out in...
   — rebeccamayhew

March 31, 2003
I have started looking hair by the handful at almost 3 months to the day. Still loosing it now at a month later. I find it very distressing. What I was surprised to notice is that I have also lost the majority of hair on my arms as well. In fact, I didn't notice it until my husband pointed it out to me. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like my arms were covered in hair, but I did have fine brown hair on my arms that is now gone. Can't say I'll miss it. As for my head hair... I'm amazed that I'm not bald.

March 31, 2003
I have never heard anyone say that they lost hair anywhere else except on their head.
   — Cindy R.

March 31, 2003
Boy, would I EVER love not to have to shave my legs again!!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

April 2, 2003
My hair is getting very sparse. There wasn't that much to start with!! I have also noticed that my eyelashes are a lot thinner and also the hair on my arms. Unfortunatly, the hair on my legs and underarms are doing just fine. I just keep combing my hair over my "balding spots" and repeating "This is just temporary!!"
   — Suki L.

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