10 Months Out, I don't feel full, I want to eat all the time.. help.

i cant seem to get full i seem to always want to eat somethings even when not hungry its like my rain has taken over has anyone else had this problem and what have you done    — icannie (posted on February 27, 2003)

February 27, 2003
I often feel this way, only occasionally do I feel FULL (then I suspect I have overeaten), though I am not hungry I do want to eat all the time. I think it is why I got fat in the first place. I try to make healthy choices, by eating protein snacks, but I dont always succeed- I welcome any great ideas!
   — ~~Stacie~~

February 27, 2003
I'm a few days shy of 10 months post-op. I'm 20 lbs. from goal and just recently, I'd say within the past 2-3 weeks, I'm eating quite a lot more. I feel hungry quite often, and can eat more it seems. Last night I went to bed at 8:30pm just so I'd stop eating! I'm working on this problem currently so I don't have any answers for you. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 27, 2003
sunday will be my 10 month anniversary. i too eat all the time. i just don't feel satisfied most of the time. my choices are not the best and i KNOW that but still eat the wrong things...If you find an answer, please email me and let me know...
   — candymom64

February 27, 2003
Hi. I am 16 months out. I am sure you have heard of the honeymoon period. Well, you are approaching the end of it. Your pouch is now much bigger and therefore you are hungrier. It hits us all at about 9-12 months out. But, you have to put it in perspective. You can now eat way more than you could eat right after surgery. But, you also can't eat anywhere near how much you ate prior to surgery. Now you have to learn how to make best use of the tool. I have found that the easiest thing to do is to just bring a lot of veggies into my meals. Instead of grilled chicken, make it a grilled chicken salad, etc. We have all been on enough diets prior to surgery to know how to make good low fat, low calorie choices. The ultimate goal of this surgery is to eat like normal people. Normal people don't eat most of a box of cookies with a milkshake chaser. That is how you will gain weight with the pouch. Eat a salad, a small piece of meat and, if you still want the cookie, eat one cookie for dessert. Then the pouch will work, because you will be full without having consumed enough calories to gain weight.
   — Julie S.

February 27, 2003
i want to thank everyone on there reply. i know we all can get past this right im going to try when i think im hungry drink a protein shake i ordered some samples some time ago and out of about 10 differant ones i liked the proscore 100 the best so i guess i better get off my butt and order it thanks again i wish everyone all the luck in the world
   — icannie

February 28, 2003
Cheryl, I'm 9 months post op, and I think I hit the not "Feeling Full" phase last month, I was doing awful, my diet was completly a miss. Don't get me wrong my tastes have changed since surgery but I was consuming so much that I was just sitting at the weight for the longest. I think that after the so called Honeymoon period, I believe it's up to us to make wiser choices to use the tool to the best of it's ability, I learned that the hard way, the first couple of months are really easy seeing that you listen to your tummy, and your tummy dictates you..,.. Afterwards the tummy settles and it's up to us, I went out searching for low fat, low calorie foods that would feel me up and give me a full feeling that would last longer. I restricted my calorie to about 1200-1400 calories a day, since I'm about 20 pounds to goal. Just re-think what you're eating and make the best possible choice there is, every now and then give in to what you want, make it fun, make it bearable. P.s. allong with the other posts, try fruits and veggies, they sit a long time and are very low in calories...... Post op 9 months down 125 pounds.
   — tannedtigress

February 28, 2003
Hi Cheryl, I am one year post-op and totally agree with what Julie S has said below. I also think that if you are hungry, you should eat. If you ignore it, you'll only get hungrier and then make wrong choices. I always carry protein bars with me and if hungry, 1/2 a bar takes the edge off the hunger. I also bring carrot sticks with lo fat dressing to dip it into, popcorn, pretzels and other lo cal snacks. Protein shakes are OK but sometimes ya want to eat, and not drink. Hot drinks help to curb the appetite too-not sure why, but they do. As time goes by, the pouch does stretch (it is supposed to) so you will naturally eat more to fill it. Some post-ops tend to measure their food early on, which is good, but continue to measure the same amounts later on that they do early post-op without taking into consideration that you will and should eat more as time goes by. therefore, if still eating 2-3 oz meals and its 10 months later, you will not feel feel for a good reason-you're not! As for wanting to eat when not hungry, that is something you have to have a plan for-a cup of tea, or keep your hands busy with a crossword puzzle, or if at work, get up and climb a set of stairs (I've done this!), whatever it takes to get your mind off of food. But as I said, if you are hungry, EAT.
   — Cindy R.

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