Late Night Snacking

Lately, I've been doing a lot of late night snacking. I've been staying up late at night on the internet and find myself snacking sometimes until 3:00 a.m. I am usually ok during the day, because I am busy. I sometimes don't start eating until 11:00 a.m. When I snack it is usually something under 100 calories, like 4 ounces of cottage cheese, a pickle, a few mini-rice cakes, a handful of baked cheese snacks, diet jello, sugar-free popcicle. I might have two or three snacks a night. I admit sometimes I eat even though I am not hungry. My meals are low calorie, so I started with the snacking to increase my calories since I am 140 and trying to maintain my weight. Even when I snack, I usually only get 1700 calories a day. This is against my doctors rules as he wants us to only eat three meals a day without snacking. I'm scared that what I am doing is considered grazing and will harm me in the long run. Any advice?    — Gay S. (posted on February 27, 2003)

February 26, 2003
Is that the only time you snack, or do you do it during the day too? If it's the only time, I wouldn't worry about it. A snack a day isn't anything bad. If you snack ALL THE TIME, then you are grazing, and should up your protein to help keep you full.
   — thekatinthehat

February 27, 2003
how about lowfat popcorn or some sunflower seeds... Im partial to the popcorn. Its seems as if i have eaten a ton of it and have ened up only munching about 1 1/2 cups..which mushes into hardly anything so I get the chewing and dont pay too much for it. Beef jerkey is also good.
   — cherokey55

February 27, 2003
Gay, you sound like you are doing great to me! The snacks you are choosing are all pretty much healthy and some have protein. Even when you choose to eat chips, you choose Baked, another great choice. Although your doctors says "no snacks" I disagree with that. And i think if you slide, it is okay. I'm sure there are post-ops who don't snack and follow every "rule" but I think it is normal to snack sometimes. If you don't allow yourself some treats once in a while, you'll feel like you are on a "diet" and go off it and end up bingeing, that is always what has happened to me. I allow me snacks and my meals and protein drinks, and also exercise am doing good. If this is not inhibiting your weight loss, then I don't see a problem. As for eating them at night, it usually isn't as good, I have problems with that myself. I am so busy during the day, that I find at night I am playing the catch up game and trying to get in more protein. And eating just to eat isn't great either, but I understand it. Can you try going to bed earlier? I go to bed very late myself, and find that I just want to eat more. So instead I try to just go to bed hungry. It can be hard, but once you get used to it, it's easy. Goodluck to you!!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 27, 2003
Gay, The stuff your eating doesn't sound bad, although you still feel guilty. I wonder if it's b/c you know you are snacking when you are not even hungry? This sounds like a bad habit. An old one creeping up? Analyze it and then decide. Don't be so hard on yourself, but remain true and remember all the hard work you went through to get where you are, and then ask yourself, is this worth it? It is so hard to re learn other ways to reward, or comfort ourselves isn't it? Good Luck and Congratulations on your weight loss
   — Michele B.

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