Will PCOS slow down weight loss?

I'm 13 weeks and have only lost 55lbs.I haven't lost in 5 weeks now.I drink 100oz of water,8o grams of protein,15 carbs and less than 800 cal. I do 1 hr a day on my stationary bike. I have been very upset.Yesterday I was told I have PCOS and started 2000mg of metformin and 200mg of spironolactone.Will this pick things up?How soon will I see the benefits of my new meds?I've never herd of PCOS and I'm wondering how it will effect my outcome.    — Chiqui (posted on February 23, 2003)

February 23, 2003
I have had PCOS for many many years, most of which went untreated because I didn't want to see a doctor. I have not chosen to go the metformin way but instead chose Depo Provera which put my body in a static state and helps protect me from ovarian and uterine cancer. I've been on it since 1995 and am very pleased with the results. <p>I can't speak directly as to how it is affected by WLS but I can tell you I lost 200 lbs in 94/95 with severe PCOS, so I really so not feel it will hinder my weight loss at all. That's just my opinion. Depending on your age and whether you want to restore your fertility or not is how I would make the decision on using the metformin. At 42 I'm not looking to restore fertility. My ob/gyn told me at age 35 that even with the strongest fertility drugs I stood a 1/4% chance of ever getting pregnant. So based on that and the fact that I was not married I decided to go the route that would protect me from cancer as best as possible and yet get things in check. This decision worked for me. I would not focus on the PCOS affecting your weight loss and just keep a positive attitude.
   — zoedogcbr

February 23, 2003
hi there :) i have pcos and i can understand your concens completely! i know theres a link between obesity and pcos. i was worried and wondered about this too. its been 1 year and 2weeks for me and have lost 187 lbs, its going slowwer for me now but thats normal, im just very glad to be losing, i sometimes wonder if it would have been more without the pcos but dont know for sure, im very pleased with the loss, some with pcos are also insulin resistant which may play a part, im not sure if i am or not, would like a blood test to verify it though. ive just stuck to the high protein, low carb, very low or no sugar deal and so far its really done wonders for me!!! :) best of luck to you, oh, a while back, there was a surgeon in the chat room here and i asked him the same question as you and he said that it shouldnt make too much of a difference. :)
   — carrie M.

February 23, 2003
Make sure that you limit carbs. I have PCOS and know that carbs are not our friend. The Met should help if you have any carb cravings and should actually boost your weight loss. Go to they are are really informative support group with a topic on metforin/glucophage.
   — Monique W.

February 23, 2003
Make sure that you limit carbs. I have PCOS and know that carbs are not our friend. The Met should help if you have any carb cravings and should actually boost your weight loss. Go to they are are really informative support group with a topic on metforin/glucophage.
   — Monique W.

February 23, 2003
I have pcos and have been on glucophage/Metforin. It should actually boost your weight loss. Go to its a really informative support group for women with PCOS.
   — Monique W.

February 23, 2003
Hi, I am 15 weeks postop and my starting weight was around 267 and I am now 212. I have been 212 for the last 4 weeks. I hate plateaus. I started researching how PCOS affects our weight loss, and was glad to find a website (did not bookmark, so cannot share it) where a surgeon said if you are pcos and have the weight loss surgery, you will not lose weight, because the insulin resistance will keep you in starvation mode all the time and the body will not lose the combat that, the pcos wls woman needs to be on metformin. So, off I ran to my pcp and he put me on metformin last week. Right now, I am still at one a day, next week, I get to take two a day. He agrees I need to be on it. I have also heard we should be messing up the mind of our metabolism and to change our diet around enough the metabolism does not get complacent. So, one day, eat 800 calories, the next try 1000 cal, or drink 2 protein shakes one day, 3 the next, back to 2, etc. Also change exercise routines, dance one day, aerobics the next, walking another, etc. For me, between being a lightweight (under 275lbs) and losing slower than my heavier peers, I have the added block of pcos, so I am hoping too the metformin will put me in the court of a better chance at losing the weight. I know your frustration, I have not lost anything for a month, too, so maybe the metformin will work for us.
   — DarlinIYQ

February 23, 2003
I have PCOS also & I've found that my weight loss is best if I'm on my bcp (Yasmin) & Spironolactone. My weight loss my first month was actually *slower* than my second month and (imo) it's because my hormones were all out of whack. Since wls, I absolutely can't tolerate my glucophage anymore. Don't know why, it just makes me yak. But, I haven't noticed that *not* taking it has slowed my weight loss. It's just the Yasmin & Spironolactone that I've noticed make a difference. Keep in mind the spironolactone can take several weeks to take effect. Good luck to you!
   — Laurie A.

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