My gastro dr. says I need to have a colonoscopy every two years,

because I've had colon polyps. Can that be done after RNY surgery? Or are the risks lower because that area of the intestines is not is use anymore?    — Deena L. Story (posted on February 16, 2003)

February 16, 2003
WLS is on stomach and small intestine. Colonoscopy is on large intestine. They are two completely different areas. Colon cancer is more common in MOs so loosing the weight may help a bit but you will still need colonoscopy. The do have a new virtual one comingf soon that will be less unpleasant.
   — bob-haller

February 16, 2003
I had a colonoscopy in Oct. 02 and I had no problem's. I just had to drink that stuff (what every it's call)slower. I was 5 month's post-op at the time.
   — charanewme

February 16, 2003
I have had colon polyps also and need a colonscopy every two years also. This is common practice with gastro docs because it can turn into cancer, from what I understand, if they do not keep tabs on it. I have IBD, microscopic colitis (MC) and am being considered by my surgeon for the surgery, so there is hope for you. I have put my MC into remission by staying on a gluten free diet. Good luck to you.
   — ChristineB

February 16, 2003
Not sure why you are being scoped more often than the norm of 3 years, but it won't be a problem after surgery. The scoping never going into the small intestine, only the colon. <p>I had a pre-cancerous polyp removed at age 35, 6 totally benign polyps removed at my 3-year check and at my last 3-year check in 2002, I was polyp free. Based on this, the screening schedule is now 5 years unless something pops up. Hopefully my risk of getting cancer will be greatly decreased with losing a lot of this fat. However, do not skip your screenings as this surgery is not a guarantee of never having colon cancer - thin or fat.
   — zoedogcbr

February 16, 2003
I just had my first colonoscopy last week. First of all, not so terrible. My husband had his several days before mine. We scheduled ours because his sister was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. She turned fifty, and was told to go for a screening colonoscopy. That's when they found the cancer, stage 2. She is struggling with chemo so that she can be absolutely sure she has done all that she can to address the cancer. It was optional for her. My husband had 4 polyps that were benign, and I was polyp free. He has to go back next year, and I have to go back in 5 years. PLEASE, go when you are told to go for your colonoscopy, it can save your life. You may not have symptoms but may have something brewing inside. Sorry for being preachy.
   — Fixnmyself

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