10 Months Post Op.. Slow Loss?

Do you think im losing at a fast enough rate or not...i lost 115 pounds and i am 10 months out. i read where other people lost so much more than me..    — stacey T. (posted on February 15, 2003)

February 15, 2003
You are doing very well!!! Congrates on the weight loss!!! I thought too that my weight loss was slow. I also seen people who lost more that started out around the same weight I did at 263 lbs. I'm down only 97lbs since my surgery 8 months ago (June 26, 2002). I found that I was not consuming enough protein and water. I am at the gym 5-6 days a week. Once I increased these things I dropped more. Now I have to consider that I weight lift too, so muscle weighs more then fat. I really don't know what you eat or if you exercise, but I hope this helps. You will get to your goal, so please hang in there and don't get discouraged. We are all different but I know how hard it is not to compare yourself to others, you are doing very well!! ((HUGS))!!
   — Adele S.

February 15, 2003
Not to be rude or anything, but Stacey, honey, be proud of yourself. Others take years to lose that kind of weight. That is a phenominal amount of weight to lose in only 10 months. You deserve a standing ovation!!!! Hugs & Kisses.
   — Regina C.

February 15, 2003
WOMAN! You're doing fantastic! You're right where your supposed to be! Don't compare yourself, OK, I do it too, but honestly, you're losing like a champ! Go Stacy! Whoohoooo!
   — LionGirl2k

February 15, 2003
I know exactly how you feel. I'm also 10 months post-op. I've lost 149 lbs and have a little over 40 to go. I lose between 1-3 lbs a week. I figure, as long as I'm still losing, I won't worry. You've done a great job losing 115 lbs so far. Don't worry, it will continue to come off, as long as you do the things you're supposed to. Good luck and God Bless.
   — Christine L.

February 16, 2003
Stacey, at 10 months post-op, I'm surprised you would ask that question! You should know that comparing your weight loss to others is futile. You will ALWAYS read of others who lost faster than you, ALWAYS..even those who started out weighing less than you, its just a fact. If you play the comparison game, you'll just walk away depressed and thinking you are a failure, which of course, you are far from it. Everyone loses differently-fact. 115 is awesome and you are not done yet. I bet it is slowing down though and getting a bit harder to lose, and you'll have to start working that pouch a little harder, but you definitely can do it....keep up the good work, and fergettaboutit with comparisons...
   — Cindy R.

February 16, 2003
Hi! You sound like you've done perfectly to me! I'm 6mos postop and have lost 77lbs. I feel like mine has been slow also but I'm so tickled to have lost what I have. I could have never ever done this any other way. Over 10lbs a month! I've talked with friends who have lost more and some that have lost less. I have my days where I worry too whether I am doing okay or not. We are all different and all live differently too as far as protein, water, exercise, food, etc. You still have more time to lose more if you want. I just hope that I can get to where you are in the next 4 months to my 10th month. :D Congratulations! Melisa RNY 08/15/02 -77lbs.
   — mbradley35

February 18, 2003
You are doing great - don't get down about it. I'm a slow loser too - but we are losers!!!! I am 6 months 3 weeks and down 90 pounds - I drop 2-3 pounds a week then have to work on keeping those pounds off the next week. But you are doing fantastic. I started at 319 and I know there are many who have lost faster than me - but we must not compare ourselves and be thrilled with out own success. Good luck
   — Sharon O.

February 18, 2003
I had surgery 6/11/02 and I'm only down 70 pounds. Haven't lost much in 4 months! I wish I knew what's wrong. You are very lucky.
   — Georgia H.

February 18, 2003
I had surgery 6/11/02 and I'm only down 70 pounds. Haven't lost much in 4 months! I wish I knew what's wrong. You are very lucky.
   — Georgia H.

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