Anyone take Zyrtec-D (or claritin-D or allegra-D) post op?

I think these are extended release..even the 12 hour..and they won't be effective post op. Is that correct? I am taking otc pseduoephedrine + prescription zyrtec (regular) but the otc decongestant doesn't last all night. Is anyone taking any of the 12 hour prescription antihistamine+decongestants post op and if so are they working?    — sheltie (posted on January 30, 2003)

January 30, 2003
I have taken all of these medications post op and have found them to be relatively helpful. I don't think it's a malabsorptive issue with me I think it's just really bad sinuses and allergies. But, you can take them. Best wishes!
   — ronascott

January 30, 2003
Before surgery I got the claritin that dissolves under your toungue,, they are great,,,, and tell you truth i havent need them since surgery, every thing is cleared up..
   — paulsgirl

January 30, 2003
I did'nt know Zyrtec-D is time release. USUALLY time release pills will NOT work on me anymore. I had to switch from Welbutrin SR to Welbutrin. Anyway, I was taking Zyrtec. Then I tried Zyrtec-D and it works awesome for my allergies. (I have five inside cats and one dog, plus several birds). I'm allergic to ALL my critters but will not even consider giving up my babies. The Zyrtec-D works like a dream.
   — Danmark

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