Am I the only wrinkled face post op?

My face before surgery was as smooth as creamy pudding. But now oh my gosh. I look like a wrinkled prune. I am 47 years old. I am using moisture creams for my face. I started at close to 290 lbs. I am now at 193 lbs. HELP PLEASE. Wrinkles in ALABAMA!!!!!!!!!    — mickie5535 (posted on January 28, 2003)

January 28, 2003
Yes, yes, yes. Hate it. I posted this on the OSSG-graduate yahoo group recently and got a lot of good responses. If you want to check over there, do a search on "thin, gaunt face". The consesus seemed to be that your face will plump up again after your weight has stabilized for awhile. Can't wait. In the meantime, retinol, alpha/hydroxy and collagen are good things :)
   — mom2jtx3

January 28, 2003
After about a 100 pound weight loss, bags under my eyes have become very prominent. While talking to the plastic surgeon last week about a tummy tuck, I asked him if in time the bags would get better, and he said no. I had a rather 'drawn' look at first overall which has gotten better, but the eyes are just the same. I hate it, but I'd rather have bags than fat!
   — scottiemaam O.

January 28, 2003
I also noticed that I looked rather deflated in the face while I was losing weight. Once I had remained at a constant weight for a while it started to look better. I think there is a rebound process that happens after you stop losing. Yes, there are still some lines but I agree with the previous poster and they look better than the fat!
   — ctyst

January 28, 2003
I would wait! I feel your body adjusts, just not as fast as some would like. I feel people are too quick to think they are "finished" and really they aren't.... I also feel that if every one waited about 2 years after they are ALL DONE losing weight, they would see a big change in their bodies/faces- rather than rushing off to plastic surgery. Sure there are some people this does not apply to...
   — Karen R.

January 28, 2003
I can attest to the fact that you get your face back (and also your butt, but that's another story) after a couple of years at a stable weight. In fact, about the funniest thing that happens to me these days is how many people ask me if I've had a face lift. HaHaHaHaHA!!!! That's the only part of me that *hasn't* been lifted. hugs, Ann RNY 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 28, 2003
Thank you for this question, and thank you Linda, Cheri, and Ann! From certain angles my face is now truly *frightening* (wrinkles! sags!), and I have that "gaunt" thing going on, too. It's good to know that it's likely to improve with time. Meanwhile ... to the original poster ... just be real careful at what angle you catch yourself in the mirror. It can be truly scary, LOL!
   — Suzy C.

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