Are antibiotics malabsorbed like vitamins?

I have had a history of serious cellulitis infections in my leg (at times requiring 1-2 weeks of hospitalizations with i-v antibiotics). At 11 weeks post-op, I had another infection crop up. I called the doctor's office and they immediately put me on Keflex, 500 mg. twice a day. The first day or two of the infection, I didn't think I was responding well to the antibiotics--although after about 4 days, it's much better. Does anyone know whether antibiotics are malabsorbed after lap RNY, as vitamins are? I am wondering whether now I'll need a stronger dose of drugs to have the same effect as before surgery? Thanks for the input!    — Sarah S. (posted on January 20, 2003)

January 20, 2003
I don't know for sure the answer to your question, but did want to state that I would strongly suggest you discuss this with your doc - since each formulation is different even in the class of antibotics, I really don't know if there will be a blanket answer. You may want to start a journal that tracks your temps, responses, etc to each round of meds and that may help your doc determine if you can take an oral med or just need to go straight to antibiotics.
   — Susan F.

January 20, 2003
When being given a new med, I always ask the doc: 1. is this a known pouch burner? 2. will this interfere with my supplements? 3. will my supplements interefere with this? 4. does it come in non-timed release? 5. do we need to adjust this up or down for my altered gut? Drives him nuts, of course. I LOOK normal, so he keeps forgetting. I also use Keflex when I have had to have such a thing, and I sorta hinted that 4X 250 might be more effective than 2X 500 for me. If they want 4X 500, OK, we'll do that. I think journaling your own personal reaction to meds is an EXCELLENT idea.
   — vitalady

January 20, 2003
Yeah as someone said, make sure it is'nt a pouch burner. I also stay away from TIME RELEASE. However having warned again time release, I have found the Ziptromax (spelling is very wrong) although it is time release works GREAT! I get bronchitus and have also used it for other things too. You take it for five days and it works for 10. I don't know why it still works when other time release meds don't but it does.
   — Danmark

January 21, 2003
Hey all....previous poster was referring to Zithromax, or actually...Z-pac as they like to call it. I just took this for congestion and sore throat, and it worked fine from what I can tell, and at 6months post op, its easy to swallow.
   — Melissa L.

January 21, 2003
I had a sinus infection and the doctor gave me a round of tequin - it caused quite a yeast infection, but did not completely resolve the sinus infection. He now gives me liquid antibiotics - I just took a round of liquid zithromax and it fixed the problem. I feel I'd rather be safe than sorry!
   — JoAnn B.

January 21, 2003
My surgeon says we do not malabsorb medications.
   — joeandteri

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