Am 9 months post-op and am having increaseingly abnormal Liver functions

I am getting real worried i knew right after surgery that liver test would be abnormal, but as of late every time my pcp does test it gets worse? Should I go to spealist or wait? Sharon Thornton    — Irishlass2154 (posted on January 18, 2003)

January 19, 2003
Sharon, I am nine months out and the last time I had blood work, my liver enzymes were high. My weight loss surgeon did not tell me this, my plastic surgeon did. WLS never mentioned it, even though he got the same results. He had his nurse call me and mention that I was anemic though. I ran a search here and supposedly high liver enzymes is not uncommon. It doesn't mean there is something wrong with your liver. My surgeon has over 20 years experience as weight loss surgeon, so if he is not overly concerned, I wont be either. I am going to discuss this with him on my next appointment. Maybe you should talk to your weight loss surgeon regarding this, your PCP may not be too familiar with weigh loss surgery patients.
   — Lisa N M.

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