Has anyone's surgery been postponed or cancelled for heart palpatations?

I am having to wear 24 hr holter monitor for heart palpatations and I'm worried this may cause conflict with surgery..I have no other problems such as chest pain, dizziness, etc. just the palpatations..    — Kara M. (posted on January 16, 2003)

January 16, 2003
If your doctor doesn't find anything wrong with your heart it shouldn't cause a problem. I went through all of that, even wore the stupid thing for a month over the summer and all they could find was irregular heartbeats and now I am 4 weeks post op and minus 42lbs :)
   — cprzybysz

January 16, 2003
Hi Kara! You didnt mention if you had previous heart problems or if you have been under stress but it sounds like you may be having PVC's which may be brought on by stress,I began having these 11 years ago when I was in college and extremly stressed.Now they dont bother me unless Im very tired,anxious or stressed.These are usually harmless but still need to be checked out. As a matter of fact Im having a workup at the end of the month so there wont be any surprises when I finally get a surgery date. Good Luck to you
   — Lisa F.

January 16, 2003
Kara, I have PVC's constantly, my heart stays in a bigeminy rhythm, which contributes to my Ventricular Tachycardia. My surgeon had me see my cardiologist to be cleared for surgery. My cardio cleared me for WLS, with the exception they had cardio's at the hospital I was having surgery at know about my case, I have a very serious arrythmia problem (the VTACH) and I had the surgery, everything with the surgery went well. Good Luck to you! (open RNY 11/14/02)
   — Amy Hoffman

January 17, 2003
Hi. I was also diagnosed with having PVC's right before the surgery. They still did the RNY and I had no problems with my heart during or after. Actually, I haven't had any more episodes with the pvc's since having the surgery. (Of course I don't eat chocolate and/or caffeine anymore, which can bring on Pvc's) Good luck to you!
   — Leah H.

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