Is it true that BTC only does open RNY's?

Im having my consultation at BTC in 2 days. Actually leaving for texas by noon Thursday 1\15\03.Is it true they only do OPEN surgeries?    — ShirleyH (posted on January 14, 2003)

January 14, 2003
I had my surgery at BTC on Dec. 16, 2002. When I sced. my surgery I asked about having it done lab. They told me they only do it open, something to do with the lab way isn't perfected and they want to be able to see what they are doing. That's what I was told. Good Luck!!
   — Carrie E.

January 14, 2003
I'm waiting to be approved to have my surgery at the Wylie, TX BTC. During my consult I asked this same question. You're right, they only do open. Congratulations to you on your upcoming surgery. Good luck!
   — Kimberly S.

January 14, 2003
Yes, I'm sure BTC only does open rny surgery, they say this is the safest procedure, but I am going with this considering BTC has researched the procedures fully. Sorry!! Hope this doesn't discourage your decision. Tracy
   — Tracy H.

January 14, 2003
The previous posters are correct, the BTC in Wylie only does the Open procedure. But just so you know, one of the ladies there (i think the dietician) had the surgery performed by Dr Leverton and during my first consult I asked to see her scar. It was very light and only maybe 6-7 inches long. And I think she was only about 5 months post-op back then. She said Dr Leverton didn't have to make a very long incision because it wasn't necessary. Just thought I would share in case this info helps.
   — Rozey B.

January 14, 2003
Thank you for answering. It does make me a little discouraged. Ill see how the consult goes. I will be driving 8 hours to get here today. xoxoxox
   — ShirleyH

January 15, 2003
I'm going to the BTC in Ypsilanti, Michigan and they only do the open procedure. I'm not positive but I think that's all they do at all the BTC's around the US. Good luck with your surgery! I'm having mine next week!
   — Kris T.

January 15, 2003
I had my surgery at BTC Ypsilanti Michigan. I asked my surgeon why they don't do lap and she said although the complication rate for wound infection was less with lap, some of the other complication rates were higher and that BTC was not comfortable with that. Ask your surgeon, they should explain it.
   — Pat B.

January 20, 2003
Yes, that's all they do. They are looking into doing lap, but they haven't done it yet. I had mine done at BTC in Belvidere, Illinois.
   — dolphins94

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