New attitude?

Has anyone else noticed a decrease in your ability to ignore or deal with snide comments or looks now that you're losing weight? I think that's my biggest change - I won't tolerate rude or ignorant comments about weight from anyone, not even kids. I actually made a little girl at day care cry the other day when she made a mean comment about me to her friends (who all laughed) and I stopped immediately and said she needed to think about things she says because everyone had feelings that could get hurt. After 30 years of ignoring it (thinking I even deserved it!), it has turned into my hottest button!    — jen41766 (posted on January 13, 2003)

January 13, 2003
I have always been super-sensitive to these kinds of comments. However, now that I am not 337 pounds I feel more confident in standing up for those who may not have the ability or the confidence. I will not tolerate any negative comments from anyone about any group. This is just how I have always chosen to live my life.
   — twenc

January 14, 2003
Yes, definitely! I no longer get comments directed at me since I am a nice normal weight now, however, sometimes I hear snide comments about others and I am the first one to criticize the criticizer for being insensitive. Fat jokes and cruelty to fat people is still acceptable to society unfortunately, but what better way to start making it unacceptable then for us to speak up when we see/hear the comments.
   — Cindy R.

January 14, 2003
Im going through the same thing too. I dont take crap from anyone and I find that I have to hold myself back alot. I think I might end up in jail if I dont - lol.
   — Valerie H.

January 14, 2003
Ditto to all of the above! I had always been a quite an shy person when I was 318. Didn't want to be seen or heard but now at 190 I have found that I do have a voice and a opinion that I want to be heard. If others don't like it OH WELL! lol I now some of my friends don't know how to deal with it. I am not a quite little girl anymore and I like that!
   — Breakaway_1

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