Has anyone gone through the surgery that has had an extreme BMI?

Well I hardly post to this fourm but I do read it. My concern is that I was just informed that I now have a BMI of over 100. I know its out of control. Its only one of the things in my life this week that is. My question is has anyone ever had a BMI anywhere near this? I have so many worries that I have actually procrastinated on the surgery for more then a year now. I just need a little push again and thankfully I have the friends that push without being overwhelming. I think I just need to know that I am not some huge Jerry Springer freak boy, if ya know what I mean. ~P    — Paul S. (posted on January 3, 2003)

January 2, 2003
I have some friends who were big boys, all now thin and looking good. Then theres Pete, he was like you.<P><P> My surgeonb does a 2 part RNY on patients like you. One part restrictive, then after loosing a lot, hundreds of pounds the bypass surgery is done. This is safer for the patient as less time under anthestic. Hope this helps. Nice to see more men around here...
   — bob-haller

January 2, 2003
Hey guy! First let me tell you that you are not a Jerry Springer freak in any way so just forget about that!!! Two of my best friends started out where you are. You can contact either of them: Wes at [email protected] or Chan at [email protected] Don't give up on yourself. You have EVERYTHING to live for! Best wishes!!
   — ronascott

January 2, 2003
I had a BMI of 94, so that makes me a piker to you boys in the hundreds, but at 494 pounds, I still was a challenge to my surgeon. Check out my profile; I hope it helps you with whatever info you need. By the way, now that I am feeling cute and slightly more randy, any of you boys single~?
   — merri B.

January 3, 2003
Paul you are not a freak! I say you should go for it. However please make sure you find the absolute best surgeon with real experience with higher BMI's. You are special and deserve only the best :) Let us know what you decide. (((HUGS))) - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -100lbs.
   — Anna L.

January 3, 2003
Paul: I just wanted to let you know that you are not a freak. Even a friend of mine feels like a freak when she goes over 125 pounds. (Sounds silly to hear her say how "fat" she is when I am having RNY surgery in 10 days and I am way more twice her size.) Anyway, I just wanted to say that the reason you have procranstinated for more than a year is because maybe you are not ready to have the surgery. When you are ready, you will know. I have thought about this procedure for a couple of years myself. Just trust in the Lord and all things will fall into place. Remember: He has a plan for everything. Good luck on your journey and if you ever feel you need to ask any questions or just to chat email me at: [email protected]. Keep up the faith and maybe you'll take the plunge. (I myself have doubts, but I know that it worked for some of my friends, so I have faith the procedure will work for me) Daphine Cox
   — Daphine C.

January 3, 2003
Paul, do not feel like you are some kind of freak. I have been overweight all of my life and I have been doing research on wls for over a year myself. This was a hard dicision to make for me because I have 2 beautiful daughters that depend on me. I don't want anything to happen to me that will prevent me from taking care of them. My husband and I are doing this together. He is also heavy and we have decided to do this together to help support one another. We want to change our lives so that we will be able to do things with our kids that we have never been able to do. I wish you the best of luck and plese know that you are not going thru this alone. You have people out here that care and are willing to help in any way possible. Hang in there and may God Bless. Anita
   — Anita M.

January 3, 2003
You are not a freak...I've been researching for almost a year and just had my surgery consult. My bmi is 70 which isn't in your category but much higher than most of the women that I have read about. The best advice I've been given in life is: "When you grow old the only things you'll regret in your life are the things you never tried, because you'll never know if they would have been great for you or wrong for you". I always think back to that when making tough decisions. When it comes to your health you deserve to do something great for yourself. I believe this surgery is one of if not the greatest tool you can be given. Consider the surgery a wonderful reward to yourself for being such a wonderful and unique person. I wish you all the best. Let me know if I can be of any help. It took me many, many years to make my decision. I realized I needed to face my fears instead of hiding from them. I'm still scared but know that I'll conquer the demons!!
   — Karla G.

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