Has Anyone with kidney problems had WLS?

Hi Everyone, I have a friend whose doctor reccommended WLS to her. She has several health problems such as, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Her main concern is due to complication from her diabetes she know has kidney problems. The doctors want to do a transplant but she needs to loose weight for it to be successful. She asked me to ask the board memebers if anyone has had kidney problems and had WLS and what were their results. Thanks to everyone in advance!    — keaton (posted on December 11, 2002)

December 11, 2002
Kim, first of all, I have not had WLS yet, I am scheduled to have it on January 2nd. Second, I do not have diabetes, but I do have pretty severe kidney damage with a big loss of function. I have had 2 kidney doctors tell me that they believe that not only will I stop loosing function after the weight loss from the surgery but that I may regain some of the function I have lost. I really am looking forward to this. The other side is that if they are wrong and I do continue to loose function, I will have lost weight so that I can have a transplant. I see this surgery as life saving for me just on the kidney issue alone despite the numerous other heath problems I have. Tell your friend that I will say a prayer for her and that she can email me anytime. [email protected] God Bless.
   — garnet156

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