messing with god or nature

i need help tonight a stranger heard me talking to a co worker then jumped in about messing with god and nature told me to try herbal life which doesn't intrest me but the god and nature thing kind of upsets me. are we messing with god? HELP me feel better i'm pre op already have insurence approval.    — kimberly T. (posted on October 11, 2002)

October 10, 2002
In one way your friend is right...WHENEVER YOU MAKE THESE SERIOUS CHANGES THERE IS ALWAYS REPROCUSSIONS. this is true in anything in life...right????? IF YOU HAD A CHILD THAT WAS IN NEED OF SURGRY say a cleft palat or blind..wouldnt you seek the best surgeons in the world to fix the problem so they could live a most normal life??? THINK ABOUT WHATS GOING ON....PEOPLE WILL CONTROL YOU IF YOU LET the very beginning i made up my mind that for me...ONLY GOD , ME, MY HUSBAND and my pastor got a vote NO BODY ELSE GOT A VOTE...this is my body my life ..AND IM SO GLAD I DID IT AND I THINK GOD IS PROUD OF ME!!!!! What will hurt Him is if I go thu all of this then don't make the best of it..
   — Jackiis

October 10, 2002
Just forget it. The UNINFORMED dont know and probably dont care to know about surgery. They just have a agenda. Often its something that they or a friend are selling. God helps those who helps themselves...
   — bob-haller

October 10, 2002
Kimberly- I think the other posters make all the right points in the sitiuation. I understand what you going through. I have a strong Christian faith and was concern about the same thing. But when I really faced the truth about my situation (obesity for me was a disease and dieting was killing me), I realized to live a productive life for God I had to do whatever it took to get rid of the disease. I talked to my Pastor about it, who knows more theology then I do, and he was in total support of it. Your relationship with God is between you and Him, like the preivous poster said no one else gets to vote :)
   — Cheryl S.

October 10, 2002
Hi Kimberly,I too felt the same way.But then I thought about all the surgries performed to save lives,that is what we are doing,surgery to save our life. You wouldn't pass up a heart by-pass or any other life saving surgery . We aren't doing this just to look better,if that is the main reason the surgeon won't do it. It has to be medically necessary or they won't do it so feel at ease with your decision.
   — Connie Z.

October 10, 2002
Messing with nature or changing what God made? I've heard all that before when I had my gender reassignment surgeries. All I can say is if it (WLS) is messing or changing what God has done then "Christ himself was guilty of sin". (I think not!). For one example, he gave the sight back to a guy who NEVER in his life ever saw a thing! "He changed what God had made". I think there may have been other healings such as someone who never had an arm (?) that he restored? Anyhow, we have to live in our bodies... no one else can do that for us. It is easy to judge someone when you've never had to walk in THEIR shoes. You do what you need to do for you! I regret with every fiber of my being the things I let people talk me out of in the "name of Christ". Things that are to late now to ever make right. You have a chance to do YOU a GREAT service... to be well. SEIZE THE DAY! :)
   — Danmark

October 10, 2002
Herbalife...all natural??...ephedra!!....using something to alter the way your body processes the way the body processes food...same thing. They are just trying to sell you. Did they even bother asking about your dieting and weight many diets you have already tried? How it all has made you feel? No, I know I use to sell Herbalife. I helped many people loose 20-40 lbs while I could not help myself with it. They have some wonderful products, but I think most of us here know that diet drugs do not work long term for us. Do not worry, you made your decision, do not let others interfere with it. Best wishes!
   — Patricia R.

October 10, 2002
If you chose to have a malignant tumor removed, would you hesitate because it would be messing with God and nature? When you have an infection, do you take an antibiotic - isn't that messing with God and nature - or how about the tylenol, ibuprofen or whatever you take for pain and fever - by that person's reasoning all those things are messing with God and nature. And so is taking diet medications and herbs. You are taking advantage of knowledge and skills that God gave your surgeon in order to save your life.
   — Patty_Butler

October 11, 2002
WAY TO GO GUYS!!!! I have learned a lot from all your answers!!!! Great answer Dan L. and also the one about Jesus giving back the i had your brains!!!!
   — Jackiis

October 11, 2002
I agree with one of the previous posters - God helps those that help themselves. Also, I truly believe that God's hand is in everything you do and what happens to you. God's plan for us has included this wonderful life-enriching surgery. Don't let those unenlightened people ruin what God has brought you! Janelle postop 9/17/02 -32#
   — Janelle G.

October 11, 2002
thanks to all you posters, that's why i turned to you i knew you could help me see the way. god gives us the will to make decisions to help ourselves. he gives us lasik surgery and chemo therapy and pain relievers. your all right thank you so much for your eye opening veiws it has helped. original poster, kimberly
   — kimberly T.

October 11, 2002
what an ignorant person! I would want to ask them if their mother where dying of co-morbidities (diabetes,htn,etc..) wouldn't they do anything to help save her. This is something that will improve your life! This may be available to you to live longer to affect others lives. Just think, you may make a difference in someone else's life later down the road. God wants you to be healthy, and that is why you have been taken to this path. If you feel in your heart that you will live longer from this, then why should you punish yourself by listening to someone who doesn't have to live in your body! Be strong and GO GIRL!
   — Tammy O.

October 11, 2002
I was at my neice's soccer game yesterday and my sister in law said the same thing:"If God wanted us to have a stomach the size of a medicine cup than he would've created us with one." I have been traumatized by this and I am seriously considering not going through with the surgery. I FEEL THAT THIS SURGERY IS A GIFT FROM GOD...IT IS HELPING US GET OUR LIVES BACK. I need to keep reassuring myself that there would be no such surgery if God hadn't wanted it. So...God Bless and keep your head up! WE ARE ALL IN GOOD HANDS!
   — Jennifer O.

October 11, 2002
the bible says "our bodies are our temples"... if they are falling apart we need to fix them. sounds like he was trying to make money on selling you herbal life.. in my humble or not so humble opinion... SAVE YOUR LIFE you are worth it!!!
   — TerryLee J.

October 11, 2002
Hi Kimberly . . . we are so on the same wave length! I've been asking myself that question too (not ever seriously, like thinking of backing out of surgery, but the idea's been floating around my head for weeks). I know that my Heavenly Father wants to see me healthy and happy and living my life, and I know that right now, this surgery is the best way to do this. I sometimes worry I'm showing 'disrespect' to my body by having it permanently changed, but I know that God wouldn't look down on me taking advantage of the latest and greatest medical techniques . . . just like my mom having one of her baby's C-section, my aunt having a lump removed, my Grandpa having open heart surgery, etc . . . that's the great thing about living in the time and place that I do, that there are all these medical wonders that can help us live longer and healthier than ever before! Take care everyone!
   — Hilary C.

October 11, 2002
God gave the surgeons the knowledge to fix our problem! All things that are good came from God. The devil distorts them to evil. The devil wants us to be miserable, depressed, and desperate until we take our own lives or mess them up so much that our actions glorify him instead of God. The devil sends doubt, confusion, and fear. Ask God about your decision. He will clear the path and give you the answer. Listen to Him! Most of us sought His help and that is why we can speak so gratefully and postivley about this surgery and how He blessed us with it. It has been a blessing for me. I would do it 100 times including the pain and rehabilitation time. Don't even rely on our opinions, ask Him. God bless those who are in between and wrestling with that decision. I know he will give you the answer.
   — Stephanie N.

October 11, 2002
I heard this really great story that may help you: There was a man floating in the middle of a lake. He had turned over his boat and was having a really hard time swimming. Another boater came along and threw him a rope and tried to help him into hte boat. The man refused and stated "God is my savior, he will help me". Then came a helicopter, they sent down a roap ladder and tried to get him into the boat. But the man refused and said "God is my savior, he will help me". Then another boater came along, and they sent out lifeguards from the boat to help him, agian he replied "God is my savior, he will help me". The man drowned. When he got to heaven, he was livid. He stormed up to St. Peter and said " I don't understand, I put my faith in God, and he let me down!! What did I do wrong??" St. Peter looked through his book and said "we sent a plane, we sent two rescue boats, you refused ot get in!!" The moral of the story is that god helps those that help themselves. We can not always do it on our own, but god will send us the resources we need. We can stay out in the ocean of morbid obesity if we choose and "wait" for it to go away, or for us to be cured- and die in the process. Or we can be active members in trying to find ways to make ourselves and our lives better. Good Luck to you in your journey.
   — Vicki L.

October 11, 2002
Of the seven sins, sloth and gluttony come to mind. God is good and benevolant and I believe that He intervened in my life by offering me this surgery to help save me from those two sins. He wants me to be healthy and free from pain and in my "former body" I was neither. What I was instead was a lazy woman who could NOT control what I put in my mouth. Now that I've lost 70 lbs, I am not just healthier and happier, but I am a better mother, a better christian, and a better wife. I have the strength and energy to care for those around me. Please know that if God doesn't intend this surgery for you, He won't allow it to take place. Put your faith in His hands.
   — cjabates

October 11, 2002
Many have said in their post that God helps those who help themselves. We as obese people need to realize that God is helping us who cannot help ourselves. That is exactly the reason why many have or many will have this life changing surgery; because we cannot help ourselves. We cannot control out intake. Thank God that He helps those that cannot help themselves. Just as an earlier poster mentioned the young man born blind, He could not help Himself. But God stepped in and intervened. That is the way I look at this surgery; God doing for me what I could not do on my own. Many people will not understand your decision for surgery but they are the same ones that do not understand why you (and I) have allowed ourselves to be in the predicament we are in. Just know that God is in charge and His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.
   — gary F.

October 11, 2002
Kimberly, this a great question. I myself have struggled with this same thought for months now. I also want to compliment everyone on the INCREDIBLE
   — Patti S.

October 11, 2002
Kimberly, this a great question. I myself have struggled with this same thought for months now. I also want to compliment everyone on the INCREDIBLE answers that have been posted. It is heartwarming to know there are so many christians out there. When I first heard about people having this surgery I thought they were nuts to say the least. I realized in time that the problem was with ME only because I was uniformed. I had no idea what I was so against because I myself just didn't have the facts. I have, however, totally changed my mind since educating myself. I also am a strong christian and really had a problem with messing with GOD'S work. I realized that if GOD didn't want me to have this surgery, he would prevent me from having it. I had LASIK eye surgery 2 years ago and have realized WLS is no different than altering my sight!! I thank GOD everyday for my perfect vision. Before Lasik I was considered legally blind without glasses or contact lenses and now my vision is 20/15 in both eyes. That is better than a perfect 20/20. I wake up everyday and see everything crystal clear!! It is truly a miracle from GOD. I am looking at this surgery in a whole new way now and thank GOD for these beautiful gifts he has given me. Ask for GOD's guidance, I promise HE will never let you down because HE LOVES each and every one of us!!
   — Patti S.

October 11, 2002
If we take your logic to the extreme, then we should not use any surgical means or medicine to improve one's health -aren't we "messing with nature" -- be it insulin, vitamins or radiation treatments??? Let's be pragmatic -- do you want a chance at a healthy life? Do you want intervention with what we as individuals could not rectify ourselves? Your decision is no one's but YOURS. It's normal to have pre-op jitters - my guess is that the timing of the comments is what got to you - not the content. No one is forcing you to have WLS. Maybe it's not for you? Good luck.
   — Marti R.

October 11, 2002
I think that god does his magic in mysterious ways. The way I see it is, god is healing us/ helping us through others. He uses the doctors to treat each and every one of us. God created man, and man created medicine through god!
   — Luscious1 X.

October 11, 2002
They way I look at it is this. God made gives people (the Doctors) the power to heal. Why not take advantage of it? I can't wait too.
   — Jennifer C.

October 11, 2002
This one bugged me too! :-( But it is funny how sometimes when you pray and wait and ask, seek and knock, God provides little clues to those who seek Him. I wanted some Scripture to show me this was OK with God and here are a couple of great passages from the New Testament! 1st) Matthew Chapter 9 - verses 12 & 13: The Lord Jesus tells a simple truth to prove another point entirely, but his chosen 'fact' in this instance, is very interesting. He says; "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners." ***** Recognizing our basic needs and faults and shortcomings IS THE HEALTHY-Sensible-Correct thing to do. It is only the ones who think and say they need 'no help' who are missing the boat! AND also, at this point, in using this example, Jesus had the perfect opportunity to slam the Medical profession and those who seek it's relief's, if doing so was quote "Not God's Will" unquote. Instead He reaffirms the whole equation. I think this is one of the most important scriptures for all of us who doubt God's blessing when we seek medical help... God is Good. He isn't calling us to be 'freaked out' zombies. Simple common sense! And... 2nd) Matthew chapter 5, verses 29 & 30: Jesus is discussing the perils of Adultry, and the common sense in avoiding the wrong and the harmful, at all costs. He says; "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell." ***** Recognizing our basic needs and faults and shortcomings IS THE HEALTHY-Sensible-Correct thing to do. It is only the ones who think and say they need 'no help' who are missing the boat! I think we all could easily say the following, as a further statement of our conditions; "If my eating and lack of self discipline are going to cause me to ruin my life and possibly offend God, my Father, then let's "nip it in the bud"! Remove a portion of my stomach, change my appetite by surgery, and let's get on with DOING THE RIGHT! Pusue good. Cling to common sense. Fight fear. Thank God...
   — Jeff S.

October 11, 2002
The way I see it. God made this surgery to save lives. Otherwise I may not be here today. I may have eaten myself to death. We aren't messing with God and nature. God found a way for us to get help when we tried everything else and nothing worked.
   — stacey1273

October 11, 2002
I think God led me to decide to have weight loss surgery. I think she/he led me to the lap band and to my particular surgeon. All through people. I knew when I was prepping for surgery that I would be fine and had this great feeling of peace. I know God is glad I did something to help myself feel better.
   — M. B.

October 11, 2002
Kimberly, Before I decided to have WLS, I prayed and prayed for Gods help. There were times I knew it was sinful how much I ate. At times I felt I was making a glutton out of myself. If you right hand causes you to sin then cut it off, because it is better to go to heaven with one hand than to go to hell with two. I believed that wls is the answer for me. I had my consultation July 2. The first week in Aug. my insurance was amended to exclude wls effective Aug. 1. I was disapointed but felt perhaps this was Gods answer to me. The following week I recieved a call from the hospital telling my surgery had been approved July 31, (the last day for approvals)and my surgery had to be completed within 6 months to be covered. I believe wls is Gods will for me.
   — obsessivekompulsive

October 11, 2002
Kimberly, Before I decided to have WLS, I prayed and prayed for Gods help. There were times I knew it was sinful how much I ate. At times I felt I was making a glutton out of myself. If you right hand causes you to sin then cut it off, because it is better to go to heaven with one hand than to go to hell with two. I believed that wls is the answer for me. I had my consultation July 2. The first week in Aug. my insurance was amended to exclude wls effective Aug. 1. I was disapointed but felt perhaps this was Gods answer to me. The following week I recieved a call from the hospital telling my surgery had been approved July 31, (the last day for approvals)and my surgery had to be completed within 6 months to be covered. I believe wls is Gods will for me.
   — obsessivekompulsive

October 11, 2002
Would this stranger deny his child a life-saving heart transplant or emergency appendectomy? If his wife had heavy menstrual periods to the point of needing transfusions, would he try and talk her out of a hysterectomy? How about his gall bladder that is full of stones and needs to be removed because he has pain all the time? And then there's his mother who was in an accident and was bleeding internally with a ruptured spleen...would he tell them not to remove it and save her? What is the difference? A human can live without their thyroid gland, appendix, gall bladder, spleen, uterus, ovaries, lobes of the lungs, arms, legs, eyes, ears, etc. We aren't having anything removed! We are being re-arranged a little. If God didn't want any of this done, he wouldn't have given humankind the ability to do it. Just my 2 cents worth.
   — Lynette B.

October 11, 2002
thank you to all who took the time to answer my question. *update* it's ironic how god really does work, just ask and you shall recieve. this week the FDA is looking at the herb ephedra which is in herbal life's diet products that the by stander was trying to push on me to take instead of messing with god an nature by having surgery. i've since also thought of other "natural" things god would not be pleased with subjecting my body to...pot, cocaine, heroien. so yes i do believe after months of research and waiting for isurence approval wls is god's answer for me! much thanks amos family.
   — kimberly T.

October 12, 2002
Here is my opionion. God created our SOUL, our body are what we came into when we were born. If surgery was to change your SOUL then that would be wrong. If anything the surgery is helping your SOUL to allow you to live life to the fullest which is the reason we are here. Just my thoughts......
   — Debbie W.

October 12, 2002
I had someone say that to me and i told them that sometimes GOD uses the world to help heal our bodies. I know that when God opens a door for you, you don't let anyone steer you wrong. If God has opened the door for your surgery, then go for it. He has made a way for you to get healed. Just thank God for the answer and get ready for your new life. Brenda
   — Brenda S.

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