Lower back spasms/cramping....
4 days ago, my lower back began to ache - it felt like a small pulled muscle. Then yesterday it escalated into spasms and cramping that are painful. I read the library and found all kinds of possibilities, but no one mentioned spasms, it was all just various degrees of pain. Mine is right at my waistline just to the right of center and doesn't move or radiate anywhere else. It's a constant ache until I change positions, then a cramp that HURTS! I plan to call my PCP in the morning, but would really appreciate some input. Anyone else experience this? — jen41766 (posted on October 6, 2002)
October 6, 2002
OK, you are calling your doc, so I feel OK about throwing out the first
thing that comes to mind. My kidney stone started out feeling like I'd
just sat wrong on a SAt night. I got up, walked around, rubbed it, sat to
the left, to the right. Wasn't agony, just very annoying and increased
over a few days. I also had a doc appt on Monday and by then, it was
beyond annoying. They gave me drugs so I missed Christmas that year. I
was there, but not there, if you know what I mean. The whole ordeal lasted
5 days. And that was lesson one about calcium carbonate, brown liquids and
spinach for me. It did start out as kinda spasms, but then they sort of all
blended together and became a never ending pain.
— vitalady
October 6, 2002
I'm still pre-op, but I just went to my doctor about this very same thing
last week. My symptoms were identical to what you are describing. I was
sick with a cold the week before and my doc said it could be an inflamation
on the lining over my lungs (plueritis) left over from the cold and gave me
an rx for tylenol 4 and told me to watch to make sure that i wasn't
developing pnuemonia-like syptoms. It seems to have cleared up now. I
thought it was weird that it would affect my back, but that's just how it
is sometimes.
— Toni C.
April 22, 2003
I also have severe pain in same spot- i'm 5 months post-op. It feels like I
bruised it, but I didn't and it spasms also. And I've also had excessive
bowel movements for over a week now and pains in my legs when I walk. I'm
almost scared to find out what it could be. Any ideas yet?
— happyhappyvern
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