Does anyone have a list of things I will need to have when I get home

post op? Food items and etc.?    — Sheryl W. (posted on September 13, 2002)

September 12, 2002
It is hard to recommend food items when we don't know what type of diet the doctor will be discharging you on. Some surgeons start their post-op patients out on clear liquids, others on full liquids and still others on pureed or soft foods.
   — John Rushton

September 13, 2002
Sheryl, here are a couple of concrete suggestions: 1) your surgeon will probably ok things that are clear liquids like bouillion, sugar-free Jello, diluted fruit juices, Crystal Light, sugar free Popsicles, etc. 2) Then full liquids and purees: cream soups, puddings, loosened applesauce, babyfoods, loosened mashed potatoes, baked potato, cottage cheese, peanut butter, hummus, [and Wendy's chili] etc. 3) Then, anything you can tolerate in tiny amounts, cut into tiny pieces (no bigger around than a pencil eraser) and chewed WELL. And of course, lots and lots of WATER! Bear in mind that plainer food is digested more easily. I still cannot eat bread and I do not care for hamburger or fatty things, but I love chicken and fish and braised meats and slow-cooked stews, steamed veg, etc. As for utensils, I used a shot glass to measure 1 oz. of cooked anything and ate with a baby spoon and shrimp fork. I used to put the shot glass in front of my plate on the table to help me visualize how much I could eat (2 shotglasses of protein, for example). If you have toddler silverware, use that, it may help you to go slow. Also, I used plenty of seasonings and herbs. Although your stomach may be a baby, your taste buds are adult! Good luck - Margie B
   — Marjorie B.

September 13, 2002
Here are my suggestions... You will want to have things for your liquids diet. I had broth, jell-o, apple juice, grape juice, crystal light and other sugar-free drinks. You will want to have some sort of nutrition, too. I had Boost and my protien drinks, Watch out for Ensure because it has a tendency to give you some really bad BM's. You will want to have some sort of recliner or bed with lots of pillows as it is a little hard to sleep when first getting home. I also hand my hand dandy pair of tongs. :-) You will realize that you will not be able to wipe after using the restroom and an ordinary pair of kitchen tongs are really useful. You can grip the TP and it works really well. Just make sure you don't use them for grilling later :-) I think thats about it. If I think of anything else, I will let you know!
   — sammygirlwpc

September 13, 2002
Hi Sheryl- I don't know about anyone else but I lived on the instant Cream of Wheat packets - they were the perfect size for me and easy to make. - Mike
   — Michael N.

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