boob lift, enhancement and TT all at the same time

anyone out there have all of the above at the same time. if so was the pain worth it. also how bad is the pain? how does it compare to what i have already had ..Csection, open gallbladder and open RNY? thanks in advance//candiss    — Candiss T. (posted on September 4, 2002)

September 4, 2002
I had the TT and thigh lift at the same time and it was bareable. The TT was not bad at all, the thighs posed a problem sitting and going to the bathroom for a week or two. I was in surgery a long time almost 7 hours. I also had an insicional hernia repair at the same time. The one problem I had was that I was in a fog for about two weeks. I just had a hard time thinking very clearly. I was out driving and going to class in one week though. Was it worth it, yes. It changed my appearance so much. I look incredibly different, very normal. LOL! A flat stomach changes your size and how you look in clothes so much. I am having a breast lift and augmentation later. PS my insurance paid for my TT and thigh lift!
   — cindy Q.

September 5, 2002
I was told that when you have more than one surgery at once its actually BETTER. You only have to go through the anesthesia once and the pain isn't much worse than doing one surgery at a time, so its like getting a freebe. I know my doc almost always does a combo on his surgeries and its VERY common to have your breasts done the same time as your tummy tuck.
   — Shelly S.

September 6, 2002
I had TT, breast enhancement and hernia repair at the same time, and it was no where near as painful as Open RNY. Just take it easy and take your pain meds. You should be fine. I am 5 weeks post op and feel normal.
   — Dawn H.

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