Hormones and Birth Control
Another poster asked about Ortho Evra, the birth control patch, and I got to thinking. I put on my first patch 3 days ago ( I have my period now) and I was wondering if my HORRIBLE mood swings could be a product of the patch. My family says I am unbearable the past two days, and I have to agree with them. Is it just the PMS, or could it be the hormonal birth control working it's magic already? I used to be on the pill and had horrible mood swings, and I was hoping it wouldn't happen this time around. WHY can't they just come up with something simple and effective that doesn't mess with your hormones? It's 2002 for goodness' sake! — Kelly C. (posted on August 16, 2002)
August 16, 2002
Kelly, I know exactly where you are coming from. I guess we simply were
not designed to have that extra-synthetic estrogen put into our bodies. I
only had my mood swings while on the pill with my PMS, but my sister and
sister-in-law were forces to be reckoned with ALL the time. I can't
promise that there is one out there with a better outcome, but I know there
is a new IUD out that puts the hormone directly into the ovary (I think).
Maybe you could ask about it. I hear IUD's have come a long way too. Good
— Tina B.
August 16, 2002
It is called the Progestasert. It is inserted into the cavity of the
uterus, and produces a hormone that prevents an embryo from being implanted
should conception occur. The hormone does not effect the ovary directly as
with the pill/patch, I appologize for the error...should have done my
homework before posting.LOL
— Tina B.
August 21, 2002
I dont have an explanation for you, but I was on birth control and had to
be taken of due to the emotional issues. My specialist tried changing it
to a lower dosage but even that didnt work. It seemed to get worse with my
weight loss for some reason. Now I am off of it all together. I have PCOS
so I only took it to have a regular period. I am waiting to see if the
periods continue with out the pill. Good luck!!
— Heidi B.
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