lupus and steroids....

I was wondering if anyone out there is active with their Lupus? I am gathering info because I would like to have a BMI done, the only problem is I'm currently on steroids ( 5 mg. of deltazone.) From what I gather, there has been a problem with patients trying to get approved because being on steroids lengthens recovery time. My first appt. with the doc is Aug. 28, 2002. I have already collected numerous medical records from current and previous doctors supporting my decision. The only one I haven't spoken to is my Lupus doctor. Hope someone will give me some feed-back. Thanks to everyone for reading this.    — gloria T. (posted on August 9, 2002)

August 10, 2002
I just had the open rny and have Lupus. Mine has been quiet for around three years after a horrific flare. I was taken off 5mgs of prednisone about a year and a half ago and kept on plaquinil. I was denied on my first try but then appealed and was approved(BCBS). So far no complications but I am only two weeks out. I worked closely with my lupus dr in making the decision to have this done and am glad because you get a dual perspective of your health. Consult with the lupus dr to see where you are at with your lupus and then go from there. Good Luck!
   — Jayce

August 11, 2002
I have been taking prednisone for 10 years, my current dosage is 5 mg a day. In addition to my predinose use, I have polycystic kidney disease. I had open ryn on 7/15/02.
   — jessica C.

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