Are there ANY comfortable positions post op PLEASE
My back and butt are sooooo sore from essentially laying on them for a week, I can't find a comfortable position to rest/sleep in. Obviously on my stomach is out of the question, on my sides seems to "pull" my incision areas which probably isn't good. I'm fairly comfortable for walking and sitting upright, but am so frustrated trying to sleep or even just relax in front of the TV. Did anyone find positions that worked? — jen41766 (posted on August 9, 2002)
August 9, 2002
Hi there! I think my answer is one you won't want to hear! Unfortunately,
you will probably be uncomfortable for another couple of weeks...I know
that is hard to hear, but trust me when I tell you that it is all WORTH
IT!! My back was so tired and stiff and sore from lying on it for almost 3
weeks too. I did get a body pillow, which helped me gradually get on my
side...I hugged it tight to my chest and wrapped my legs around the bottom,
then gradually and gently moved to my side. By 3 weeks post-op, I could
comfortably sleep on my side with my body pillow. By a month or so
post-op, I was fine and didn't need my body pillow anymore. Good luck to
— LaRayne H.
August 9, 2002
I slept on my back, but rolled an extra blanket and put it under my legs.
It took the strain off my back and my stomach. Two pillows to prop me up a
little and I was set.
— Sue A.
August 9, 2002
Jennifer, I am pre-op and have wondered about this myself. I cannot sleep
on my back and I know I won't be able to sleep on my belly or side. I have
read many posts about this and I believe sleeping in a recliner seems to do
the trick for most people. I don't have a recliner, but I am planning to
rent one. Thanks for bringing this up. I need to call around tomorrow!!!
Take care!
— karmiausnic
August 9, 2002
Hi there~ When I was a new post-op the only way that I could get
comfortable enough to sleep was if I took our huge cushions from the couch
and used those. I would put one behind my head and one under my knees to
help with the "pulling" feeling in my incision. If you don't
have the kind of couch that has the big fluffy cushion, try taking many
many pillows and see if that works. The key for me was to have my head and
feet up.
Good Luck~
— Candi B.
August 9, 2002
I agree with the other posters about pillows or a recliner. If you cannot
rent yourself a nice recliner for some reason, I recommend getting a ton of
pillows. The only way I could get semi-comfortable on a bed was if I had
2-3 pillows behind my head/back, one pillow on each side of me under my
arms, and a pillow under my knees for butt and back support. It sorta
mimicks a reliner that way. Boy, do I know how you feel right now. I know
it is miserable at this time for you, and it seems like it is lasting
forever, but trust me you will feel much better in another week or two. It
will all be worth it! I am almost 2 months post op, and feeling great!
Minus 45lbs. and counting. . ! Hang in there. =)
— Jennifer Y.
August 9, 2002
I had a hospital bed for the first 12 days or so. I would HIGHLY recommend
in anyone renting one of them for the first couple of weeks. I also took a
body pillow and put it behind me (from shoulders down) and I laid back on
that. That way I was still sleeping on my back (which I truely hate), yet I
was able to put just alittle weight on my side. Gradually, as tolerated, it
would allow me to slightly adjust just how much I could turn towards the
side. I forgot how long, but it was probally around a month before I could
actually sleep on my side. It was a relief when that day came! (I would
expect that LAPs could sleep on their side MUCH quicker than that).
— Danmark
August 9, 2002
I slept on a recliner for the first 2 weeks out of the hospital. my dad
had one where i could fully lay or kinda sit a little and lay, it was a
godsend, if you have one or if you have a friend that has one i would ask
to borrow it.
— stacey1273
August 10, 2002
I am 4 weeks post-op and am very fortunate in that I was able to sleep on
my side with no problems day one. In reading your bio, I think your
problems stem from being on the operating table for a longer period of
time. What about asking your surgeon for a little physical therapy to
loosen up the areas? That definitely would help get more comfortable. Good
— Joanie J.
August 12, 2002
Darlin' - I've got two words for you - BODY PILLOW. One of those big long
ones. I became best friends with my body pillow for the first few weeks
post op. I am a stomach sleeper so I took the pillow wrapped my legs
around it and hugged it to my belly. It took some of the pressure off my
side and kinda made me feel like I was sleeping on my stomach. I don't
know what I would have done without it! After I got my staples out it took
me about a week before I could sleep on my belly comfortably again. Hang
in there! It will get better soon :)
— Traci A.
August 12, 2002
I had Lap Rny on July 31st, just five days ahead of you. I bought two
recliners, one for downstairs and one for upstairs, just two days before
surgery. Last night was the first time I slept all night in bed. Wasn't
completely comfortable but I made it. I did use 2 King size pillows, I
slept on my right side, the left is where I pull the most. Hang in there,
a few more days should bring more relief. Laura
— Laura R.
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