Is there anything I should do in the next 10 days that will help me Post-Op?

Now that I have everyones advice on the emotional side (thanks to all who answered my earlier post), is there anything I should be taking or doing in the next 10 days? I have aready stopped my social drinking, I never smoked, I gave up Caffeine last month and will also gave up the caffeine-free soda yesterday. I already walk alot b/c I live in NYC and depend on the subways, anything else....Should I start my vitamins now and my calcium?    — heathercross (posted on August 5, 2002)

August 5, 2002
Number one thing I wish I had done pre-op is start on my "Hair & Nails" vitamins (Nature's Bounty). Your hair will start falling out somwhere between months 4-6. If you get a headstart on the vitamins, it won't be as bad.
   — Terissa R.

August 5, 2002
I really wish that I had really taken good measurements and photos. I didn't do my measurements until the morning of my surgery and they took me early so I didn't get them all. I also wished I had a total fitness assessment. I have no idea what my starting bodyfat % was. I wish I had that info now. Document everything!! That's my advice. The best of luck!!!!
   — Jody Diou

August 5, 2002
Practice rolling on to your side without using your stomach muscles.. and I agree on hair skin and nails.. I started them before surgery.. and though I'm not near the hair falling out point yet.. I have the most gorgeous nails I've ever had in my life! 10 perfect ones all the time. good luck!
   — Lisa C.

August 5, 2002
Deep breathing to make sure you use more of your lungs. This will help when they ask you to use the breath machine with the little blue balls. Also, walk and exercise. Some doc's say even losing 2 lbs is any pre-surgery weight loss makes it easier. Relax. Take care of yourself. Do something fun. You will be in our prayers. Tom
   — Thomas M.

August 5, 2002
Try to prepare some of your post-op foods. I blended and pureed several soups and froze them in ice cube trays. I made SF Jello too. I bought broth, oatmeal, crystal light and several other soft foods so I'd have them on hand too. Oh yeah, protein drinks - try to get them in advance as well.
   — PaulaM

August 5, 2002
Starting vitamins before surgery is not such a bad thing. They will help you to heal faster post op if all of your levels are in good order. I would also eat lots of protein, another thing that will help you in the healing process. Especially since most of us MO people are actually deficient in many nutrients. Pray lots, and make sure you spend time with your family and friends. Also, remember that the next 2 months may be hell, but it will get beter, I promise!!
   — Vicki L.

August 5, 2002
I had a "before" picture made. I'd been hiding from cameras for years and didn't have any pics of myself. I just went to a Motophoto place and they had a small studio. Went I got to goal I wnet back and they made a new one in the same position. I went past my goal by 20 pounds, so the "goal" pic is not on my profile, but the "before" one is. I am really happy that I had this done; it has come in very handy in the almost 3 years since my RNY! You'll look at your picture in a year and you won't believe the changes! You can go to Walmart or Penny's -- doesn't have to be expensive. But just do it, OK? End of sermon. hugs, Ann RNY 9/10/99 260/130
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 5, 2002
Try to set up your house so that it's post-op friendly. Make sure that everything is with in reach. You really can't predict everything you'll need, but make one last run to the store to make sure you have the things you may need like bandages for your cuts. Make sure you have loose fitting clothes to wear once you are at home (pants might bother your cuts). And once you feel that you have everything you need, you should relax! Treat yourself to something you love in celebration of your new life. Good luck and congratulations.
   — Sarah K.

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