Spouse eating like post-op...
To be supportive and to loose weight himself, my husband is going to try to eat like I have to post op. I think this will be really difficult for him since his "pouch" won't feel full. I'm concerned about his physical and emotional reactions. Has anyone else's spouse tried this - with what results? — jen41766 (posted on July 29, 2002)
July 29, 2002
That will last a day at best. I KNOW I couldnt of done it pre op. Dont
worry about him he WILL cheat!
— bob-haller
July 29, 2002
You know, with what we do here, we see a modified version of that a lot.
The husband (usually) will eat (and avoid )the same things (but not worry
about volume) and take protein drinks at the same time (they take turns
making them for each other), he will take a few vites and they will do some
exercise together. If he cheats, it is out of her sight. The only down
side is that men can often lose wt just THINKING about it! LOL! But I've
seen this method work VERY well for many close couples. We did NOT do
this, and when I had my sx in 1994, Don was only 85# overweight. By the
time I was a year out, he was 110# over. What does this tell you about the
way WE handled our eating situations? LOL!
— vitalady
July 29, 2002
Like Bob said, don't worry about him. He's eating like that in front of
your for support, which is so admirable, but when he's not with you, he's
probably hitting the drvie-thru's left and right. My brother has done this
for years. The doctor will put him on a "diet". My sis-in-law
does all the proper cooking, etc. He sits and eats with her like a good
little boy. Then he says, "I'm gonna run out and buy a
newspaper." The next day, never fails, someone will say, "Hey, I
saw you husband at McDonald's last night".....or similar situations.
So he'll be okay.
— Annie H.
July 29, 2002
Mine did that too when I had surgery. He did actually lose
60 lbs! Unfortunately he fizzled out while still needing
to lose another 150 lbs. Not interested in having the
surgery though I have have had a good experience...
— lessofme170
July 29, 2002
My husband started doing body for life after my surgery - we eat the same
type of foods (grilled, broiled, baked,) exercise together. He has lost
32lbs since 6/11/02 (as compared to my 38lbs. He says that it was hard for
him to eat right before we were all doing it. Your husband will be fine, he
may eat the same type of food but after a while he will realize he needs
more of it than you.
— Pam W.
July 30, 2002
My husband never ate those tiny portion sizes, but he definitely changed
his eating after I had surgery!!! He said it was a major "wake-up
call" for him, and he wanted to do everything he could to avoid morbid
obesity. He was a hotdog and pizza guy beforehand. Nowadays, he eats
salads and chicken with me. He's lost 50 lbs. and is skinnier now than
I've ever known him to be.
— Terissa R.
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