Can carbonyl iron or fruit 2 0 cause gas pains?

I'm trying to figure out what caused me to have severe gas pains. The only things I have been doing differently is I switched to carbonyl iron and started drinking fruit 2 0. I know fruit 2 0 is not carbonated, but it appears to be sparkling as if fizzes when you shake it.    — Gay S. (posted on July 22, 2002)

July 21, 2002
The Fruit 20 isn't carbonated. That shouldn't be causing you problems at all. However, the iron is most likely the culprit. Do you take it after meals? That is the time to take it........after you eat. I take mine with a small drink of orange juice because vitamin C helps us absorb the iron. If you get bad gas pains try taking Phasyme or Gas-X. They both work FAST and are easy to swallow.
   — Kim B.

July 21, 2002
I know someone else (in another post) said Fruit 20 was carbonated. (Perhaps the vitimin ones- but not regular). However I know they do appear to fizz at times. I think it's the "acid" that's in them. It's some kind of acid to give it a fruit taste. (some times the acid bothers me). Also, if you don't refrigerate the Fruit 20 for a few days, and espeically if it's been somewhere warm... it will get "boozey". Reminds me of alchol. But no there is'nt carbonation in the regular fruit 20's. (I did'nt like the taste of the fortafied ones so I can't check the lable on that).
   — Danmark

July 22, 2002
I was the person that said Fruit20 is carbonated and I still think it is. Just because the label does not state that it's carbonated does not mean it isn't. If it fizzes and bubbles when you shake it in the bottle, it will oviously do that in your stomach and that will cause gas pains.
   — Angie B.

July 22, 2002
I have never tried carbonyl iron, but I can tell you that Fruit 2o and Crystal Light give me terrible gas pains! I actually do better with un-fizzed diet soda.
   — pam29922

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