Has anyone taken zinc lozenges with vitamin c and b6.

The breakdown is cal 5, carb 1g, sugar 1g, vitamin c 60mg, vitamin b6 5mg, zinc 15mg. Do you think this is ok to take to help with hair loss.    — Cynthia T. (posted on July 5, 2002)

July 5, 2002
I heard that Biotin works well so 6 months before I had surgery I began taking 2,400mg a day. I am at month 4 (-75lbs) and I have not had any hair loss other than a few strands coming out when I shower. My hairstylist has said my hair has gotten a little thinner but I've always had baby fine hair and my hair is really long. I take Biotin everyday, I take 1600mg a day now. It is said that hair loss starts at month 3 and ends at month 6, so I'm hoping I'm not going to have any but I don't really think it's something you can prevent with any vitamins/supplements. I think it's just how some of our bodies react to the surgery.
   — Angie B.

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