What so you eat

My Dr, has moved out of state can't get a hold of new Dr. he is very busy. How much and what is everyone eating at 3 months. Have lost 60 pounds since March 20th. Iam so happy about that just want to stay on the right track Thanks Christine    — christine G. (posted on June 25, 2002)

June 25, 2002
I will be 4 months post-op on the 27th of this month, I eat about 1/2 cp at a meal, sometimes more depending on whether it is more liguidy,( like soup)I have a hard time with chicken and beef, so I tend to stay with soft foods, lots of sugar free/fat free jello, only has 10 calories I don't drink with my meals at all!!! I had lost 75 pounds and over 50 inches at my last weigh in, I weigh once a month , No sooner, I weigh again this thursday, then not again for another month, I will admit I do much better with softer foods, I can't eat hardly anthing with too much sugar or fat in it, which I am very glad about..hope this helps , I kind of tend to drag on and on and on. SO sorry if this is kind of long..:)
   — bikerchic

June 25, 2002
Christine it sounds like you are doing great. When I was about 3 months post it seemed I lived on scrambled eggs, and cheese. I am really sensitive to alot of food it makes me feel ill, so I try to stay with what I know I can tolerate. Just do whatever your doing if it's working for you. Good Luck!
   — Lynda T.

June 26, 2002
I'm 4 1/2 months post op RNY. At 3 months, I was eating everything except for raw chunky vegetables (like raw carrots or celery). Of course, I didn't (and still don't ) eat refined sugars or refined carbohydrates. I did have to be careful not to eat dry chicken or beef; it had to be tender and juicy. I also reduced the protein drinks at around 4 months and switched to all regular foods.
   — Kathy J.

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