Can you have the breast lift/implants and TT done @ same time?

I have begun checking into it, and one surgeon's office said that they had never even heard of doing the two procedures together, and I really want to get both done at once. Any suggestions or comments? Love, your SAGGY friend, Donna in AL    — Donna S. C. (posted on May 29, 2002)

May 29, 2002
I just saw my PS yesterday, and he is going to do both at the same time. He told me that the Breast Lift and TT would take about 5 hours to do, and that I would be in the hospital 3 - 5 days and off work for at least 3 weeks. Hope this info helps.
   — Gail M.

May 29, 2002
Donna, I saw my PS on Friday and she said she could do it and prefered that if I wanted them both to do them at the same time to save on healing time and cost of OR and facilities. It will save me 3 weeks time off, plus about $3000. So I advise you check further into it or check out other PS. Good Luck!
   — Lynda T.

May 30, 2002
Yes, some plastic surgeons are willing to do these 2 procedures together. I had my reconstructive surgeries done in March (TT & BL w/implants in one surgery and an arm lift 6 days later).
   — Tricia I.

July 8, 2002
Yes, I had the tummy tuck, breast lift, skin removed from my thighs and arms done at the same time. Fun, no, but bearable. I think it is up to the Plastic Surgeon.
   — Jamie E.

November 15, 2002
Hi Donna, I'm having my arms done as well as breast augmentation and a lift on 11/25. I'm having a TT and fanny lift 8 weeks after this procedure, then plan on having my legs done 8 weeks after that (unless I can talk him into doing my legs with the TT and butt lift). He won't do arms, breasts and TT at once. I'd be essentially immobile and will really need to move around after the TT and butt lift. (I'm an RN and have to agree with his rationale). The reason he wants the legs done LAST is that they should be as lean as possible prior to the surgery. Fat under the skin pulls a lot on the incisions/suture lines. (thank God for the leg press and miles of walking on the treadmill-my legs are lean and very shapley-just too much skin these days). I have lost 114 so far, and plan on losing another 10 or so but my arms are not going to get ANY smaller. I have to get rid of these bat wings! My breasts deflated at a rapid rate, from a full C-cup to a scant B. I'm wearing molded, padded bars for now. I will have a full C cup post-op. Whoohoo... Best of luck to you! Diane
   — DianeN

January 8, 2003
Hi Donna! I am having a TT and breat lift/augmentation hopefully at the end of the month. Too, I wanted my arms done along with these procedures and my surgeon said that that would just simply be too much to tolerate at once. He said do breats and Tummy then arms followed by thighs. Patience is not a virtue of mine, but I'm learning :) For him, I think it's common practice to do the breast lift/augmentation and tummy together. Although he sees other patients, the majority are bypass. Hope it helps.
   — Tara G.

January 31, 2003
Hi Donna. There is no particular problem doing both surgeries at once. I often will combine them. If the surgery will go over 5 hours, or the tummy tuck is very extensive or requires a lot of associated liposuction, I will often do it as 2 procedures. Overall, 80% of my patients are done at the same time.
   — DrL

February 13, 2003
Hi, I am going to have my TT and Breast Augmentation (from B cup to Full C) on 2/28. Surgeon suggested to do these two to save on fees and then if we think my legs need to be done then we can do it after (about 8weeks). She is going to cut a small horizontal incision in my pubic area that will pull some excess skin from the legs. I don't have much and she thinks this will work (only a little at the top of my legs). Well on 2/28 we will see and I hope to be happy with my new look. Can't wait for summer and the beach.
   — nalmond

March 29, 2003
Yes. That's actually THREE procedures. I just had it done last week. I feel great (good meds). I was self pay, live in MN and it was right around $12k for me.
   — Goldilauxx B.

April 23, 2003
I am having my arms and breasts done next friday,It's easier getting 2 things out of the way at the same time especially if you are going to be experiencing the similar pain in that same area
   — anna T.

May 30, 2003
05/30/2003 I'm writing back to report that I've had my arms/breast augmentation as scheduled last Fall, and am very, very pleased with the results. I had some lipo about 7 weeks ago, and am having a TT and a medial (inner) thigh lift next week. The arms/breasts took every bit of 8 hrs. The TT and thighs will also run 7-8 hrs and require and overnight stay at the Outpatient surgery center. The reason being that you are somewhat immobile due to the abdominal and inner thigh/groin incisions. I understand that a TT and thigh lift are two of the most painful procedures out there. Believe me, I will be the first to let all of you know if that is true! I am a wuss when it comes to pain, but alas, this will be my last PS procedure. I am essentially at goal! Wish me luck!!! Diane N
   — DianeN

November 5, 2003
I am having both procedures the same day. Nov 17, 03. I wanted a bit more liposuction, but the doc passed on a 3rd procedure.
   — Cheryl C.

November 11, 2003
Hi Donna, I too am in my search for the plastic surgery now. I would love to have all mine done at once also, and have been told they can do it but I haven't found a doctor around here (Fort Worth) that will do all of it at once yet. I go for my second consultation this Friday. Good luck
   — Peggy B

December 15, 2003
I had a TT/BL w/augmentation on November 4,2003 and haven't had any problems except it's taking a little longer to heal right above the pubic area. The doctor said that it's because that's where it's pulled the tightest. I was self pay of just under $13K, but the doctor found a hernia in the almost 8 hour procedure, so I'm waiting to see if the insurance company is going to reimburse for that part.
   — Ali M.

December 16, 2003
Sorry, can't help with your question, just wanted to say I was really confused by Ali M's post because I have not had any plastics (yet)!! Had to check the profile, cuz I thought the site was having a glitch.
   — Ali M

January 14, 2004
1-15-04 I am having tt,breast lift and augmentation on 1-21-04 also. Was told I would feel pretty rough for 10 days to 2 weeks by my ps. I usually have a really good tolerance for pain, so I plan on doing better than that. Of course if they can find a pain pill that I am not allergic to. Pray for me folks. Am also having hernia repair at same time. He told me he might have to do a little lipo at my pelvic area but said I was nothing but skin and bones every where else. I will be one year post op on Jan 16th and have lost 110 pounds and am way below goal. Thanks for letting me post.
   — Donna P.

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