I need advice asap...I have pain in my pouch from eating peanuts?
I had RNY 6wks ago. I am doing really well. Never a problem with any food (yet). Tonite I was making my DH an ice-cream sundae. I thought, I will join him and make a "cool-whip" sundae. I've had Cool-Whip before with no problems and I topped by cool-whip off with about 10 peanuts. About 15min later the pain set in and it is still going on. My pouch is "crampy" & whenever I move it aches so bad. I have waited 4hr to post hoping this would pass! I have had cashews before and they never bothered me. I need advice on what to do or if you ever experienced this. Sorry for long post...your help is appreciated! Debbie — Deborah F. (posted on May 3, 2002)
May 2, 2002
Hi Deb, there are several things that you could try. To dislodge any food
that is stuck my surgeon reccommend drinking some warm water w/lemon and a
teaspoon of Adolphs meat tenderizer mixed in with it. Another natural food
that aids in the digestion/dislodging of food is papaya fruit or
juice...just watch the sugar content if you find it in juice form. For the
cramping you can try some liquid maalox half the dosage for adults. After
having tummy trouble I find it best to let my new tummy rest for a full day
by going back to full liquid diet for 24 hrs. I hope this helps. If your
problems continue, please check w/your dr ASAP.
— SARose61
May 2, 2002
When I upset my stomach I go on clear liquids 24hrs then pureed for 1-3
days then soft food for 1-3 days and it always has helped me.---Good Luck
— Robert L.
May 3, 2002
Dear Debbie ~ My doctor has told me about a woman who tried some peanuts,
against his advice, shortly after surgery (shorter period than you are) -
she thought she had chewed everything up good enough and had turned it into
mush, but she hadn't - turns out peanuts are a lot harder to digest than
what she thought. For her, there was nothing that was moving it and they
had to go in and unlodge it which meant longer healing period &
painfulness. I would try what the other poster put on here re: the warm
water and lemon & meat tenderizer, that made sense to me and I'd
certainly try it but please do not hesitate to contact your
physician....doesn't sound like it's something to fool around with. I'll
say some prayers for you - I'm sorry your having to go through this right
now. Please keep us posted on how things turn out.
— Lisa J.
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