what should i be doing is it ok to be injoying food now be fore the big day

   — icannie (posted on April 5, 2002)

April 4, 2002
Cheryl, Idealy, you should be walking, doing deep breathing exercises, taking vitamins, upping your water and protein intake. Not that I did all (or any) of these things preop, but I wish I had. My recovery would have been quicker. I think its ok to indulge in your favorite foods but its probably not a good idea to go crazy with fattening food since its to your advantage to try to maintain your current weight or even lose a few pounds before surgery. It lessens the chance of complications. Good luck to you! When those pounds start dropping, trust'll feel excited.
   — Donna L.

April 4, 2002
I did the "condemend man last meal" thing for about a month before I had the surgery. I also gained 20 lbs. Had I gained more I would have had to have open surgery. My Dr. told me that I was quite a challange because my liver was large (fatty). So please try and do what the previous poster suggested. The old do as I say not as I do ;-) Good Luck
   — Robert L.

April 4, 2002
I was told to really watch what I ate the week before surgery. Too many "last" meals and fatty foods can cause a fatty liver which complicates the surgery. My last week before surgery I tried to keep my calories under 2000 and didn't do a lot of sweets and I had no complications.
   — Patty H.

April 4, 2002
I lost 50lbs before my surgery. I got my metabolism into overdrive and I ate whatever I wanted before surgery. Sometimes enough for a family of 4! To my suprise, the day of surgery I'd lost 3 more pounds. And even now, 1 month post-op, down 32lbs I still think to myself, I wish I would have ate something one more time. I say eat whatever you want or you are going to feel so deprived after surgery. Just try to compensate exercise for the high calorie intake so you don't gain any weight before surgery. Enjoy it while you can and good luck.
   — Angie B.

April 4, 2002
I last suppered heavily and dont regret it. BUT at 9 months out I DONT feel deprived either. I use the anything in moderation rule. I can at anything and more of it too. Kinda miss stuff like getting free samples at the mall and being full. Odd how perspective changes things. Surgery isnt the end of something its the first day of a great life! See my profile, I lost 125 pounds.
   — bob-haller

April 5, 2002
Well, I am trying to get in all the food that I will miss over a long period of time. My surgery is in June, so starting in January I made a list of things I know I will really miss. Every weekend I go out to one or two places and have something that is on my list. This way I am not gorging myself right before surgery. Also, I feel it is a real process of saying goodbye. And you know the best thing? When I go to these places to have this food, I think to myself that it is probably the last time I will be able to eat most or all of that thing. And for whatever reason, it doesn't seem to taste as good as it used to, and I mainly feel glad that these foods will no longer rule my life. I feel like it is a very satisfying process of saying goodbye and good riddance to the things that have plagued me my whole life.
   — Jennifer Y.

April 6, 2002
Cheryl, Please don't do what I have been doing,and that is eating everthing I thought I would never be able to eat after surgery ,and I have gained 10 lbs in less then a month.My surgery is not til june 18th and I really could gain some weight if Im not careful.I am trying now to cut back and am going to start a exercise regiment on monday.I think it would help a whole lot to have some weight off before surgery,then to go in with a gain.LOL Lora Lee
   — Lora B.

November 20, 2002
Hello All! I started my WLS Journey in September 2002. My RNY Lap Surgery date is 12/20/02. In September I decided that if I was going to have WLS, I had to make some serious changes to make sure that I could really and truly accomplish my goals after surgery. SO.... I went sugar-less. If a food item has more than 8 grams of sugar per serving, I do not buy or consume it. Crystal Light and De-Caffinated Un-Sweet Tea w/Splenda along with Water are my new friends. No sodas, severly less sugar and I also eat my protein first. Currently I have lost 8 lbs. My goal is to lose 10 lbs before surgery to give myself a leg-up on my recovery. I feel great! I do still eat "regular" portions of food, but I am still "training" myself to slow down in regards to the time it takes me to eat a meal. Also, I do not drink any liquids during my meal. (That was difficult). Good luck to all!
   — Mandi E.

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