Travel after post op???

I finally got approval to have WLS but they can not do the surgery (open rny) till May 14th. We are moving to Germany on May 26th. Do you think 12 days will give me enough healing time to make a trip of this distance? I will be in the hospital while packers are packing up my house!!!!! Part of me thinks I a insane for doing this but I so want this done before I leave the country. I have lots of support to handle all the details. So..... Think I can do it??? Thanks Char    — Cherra P. (posted on March 29, 2002)

March 29, 2002
I'll just tell you my story, which may or may not be relevant :P I am travelling from FL to CA by train (3 day trip) to have Lap DS. I will be staying in CA a total of 1 month (so probably 3 weeks after surgery) to heal before my trip back. I am worried about making a trip so soon after surgery, you know? Especially since I will be so far away from my surgeon, I want to give him some time to check me out before I leave again. And you have to be sure to not sit down for too long when you are early post-op... have to walk, walk, walk. Perhaps you could stay with a family memeber or friend (or in a hotel) for a little extra time before you take off. Since you and I both have never done this before, I would err on the side of caution and give myself more time than I think I need. Good luck! :)
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 29, 2002
Everybody does heal differently, but with an open RNY doesn't the recovering take longer? This doesn't give you much time if there are complications. Also, do you have something set up for aftercare in Germany? I'm not sure what is taking you to Germany, but many of these surgery have been performed in Europe longer then here. It may be possible to find a doctor there to perform it. I hope this didn't discourage you. You are the only one who can make the decision.
   — Cheryl S.

March 29, 2002
I asked my surgeon about flying after surgery and he said it's best to wait 30 DAYS. You don't want the pressure to damage your tiny internal stiches. Plus, I hade an open rny and I have to tell you I was MISERABLE for the first two weeks and even the third week was a bit uncomfy. Let your body heal. Moving and surgery are two major events. I bet once you moved you'd be in a rush to unpack...and that could also damage your stomach muscles since you can't pick up anything over 5 lbs. Go easy, be nice to your body!
   — Paula Prichard

March 29, 2002
I think I would call the doctor's office NOW and explain about the move to Germany and ask if there is ANY way they could move the surgery to April. They may consider this.
   — Patty H.

March 29, 2002
Have you read Carnie Wilson's new book? To be quite honest, I was a bit disgusted with how crude the woman is but the book regarding the WLS was somewhat educational to's called Gut Feelings. In the book, her doctor discussed how much more water we lose for every hour up in the air while in flight - you might want to check it out. I never realized it. Check it out and congratulations on the WLS scheduled date.
   — Lisa J.

March 29, 2002
I traveled 3 weeks after surgery. I sat for a 2 and a half hour drive...... no problem right? BLOOD CLOTS! Both legs....... caused me a month in hospital and rehab. Please please check with surgeon, even people who didn't have surgery are known to develope blood clots on long plane rides.
   — Phiddy B.

March 29, 2002
I am 2 and 1/2 weeks post-op. I traveled in a plan to VA about a 3 and 1/2 hour flight. I was fine! I also flew back with no problems. I followed my doctors rules. Sit in an isle seat. Also get up and walk. Bring a water bottle. And make sure to listen to my body. Good Luck!! Sheila Hoover
   — Sheila H.

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