Am I having my Pre-Op tests too soon?

I'm scheduled for surgery 3/25/02. I'm scheduled for my EKG, chest X-Ray and gall bladder ultrasound tomorrow. Should I reschedule these tests? Am I having them done too soon?    — Annette C. (posted on February 26, 2002)

February 26, 2002
i guess that if they gave you this date for the test its because its ok... i had my test 2-3 week prior surgery... dont forget that they have to analyse all this and do lab work witch can take up to 2 weeks to get completed... go to theses test and enjoy the start of your new life.
   — carou1313

February 26, 2002
I was told the pre-op tests had to be done within 60 days of surgery.
   — C. L.

February 26, 2002
As long as you stay within a 6-week range, you will be okay. Mine were out of the 6-week range, and I didn't need to be re-tested but I DID have to wait on the surgery table for the surgeon before they could give me anything to help relax me. I had to re-initial and re-sign the consent form because 6 weeks had passed. That was a bummer to have to wait cause I was ready for some drugs. And I had to wait. It all turned out fine tho. Four months post-op, down 61 lbs, feeling good. Best of luck to you.
   — blank first name B.

February 26, 2002
My surgeon/hospital required the tests be done within two weeks of surgery. When an EKG came back questionable, it was a scramble to get it redone and OK'd in time. Had surgery as scheduled. Down 57 lbs. in 10 weeks.
   — grammie5

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